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Enviromental Timeline

  • William Penn One tree survives for 5 cut down

    William Penn One tree survives for 5 cut down
    -William Penn ordered colonists to conserve 1 tree for every 5 cut downs.
    -The first conservation act to save trees.
    -It saved lots of trees
  • Yellowstone Act

    Yellowstone Act
    -Yellowstone became the first national park
    -Started a huge act to save land via national parks
    -Many more national parks came
  • Burton Act

    Burton Act
    -Preserves Niagra Park hydroelectic power facilities
    -It kept Niagra Falls preserved
    -Made Niagra Falls a bigger producer of fresh water
  • National Park Service

    National Park Service
    -Congress established the National Park service
    -Saved a lot of land from modern world
    -40% 0f US land is national parks
  • Salt Lake City air pollution survey

    Salt Lake City air pollution survey
    -Salt Lake City conducts air pollution survey
    -First city to do so
    -Led to other cities doing so
  • Emergency Conservation Work Act

    Emergency Conservation Work Act
    -FDR created the CCC to save trees
    -It created jobs in the depression, and saved trees
    -saved lots of trees
  • First Ethanol Plant

    First Ethanol Plant
    -in Kansas, the first ethanol plant was made
    -it showed that alternative energies are useful
    -Started the use of ethanol
  • Bald Eagle Preservation Act

    Bald Eagle Preservation Act
    -Congress passed a law to protect bald eagles.
    -It was revolutionary to saving animals
    -It started a trend of preserving animals
  • Antarctic Treaty

    Antarctic Treaty
    -Prevented people from dumping nuclear waste into Antarctica
    -US and Soviets agreed on this
    -Kept Antarctica pure for Science and studies
  • Rachel Carson and Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson and Silent Spring
    -Rachel Carson pubnished silent spring
    -One of first books published about pollution
    -outlawed pesticides called DDT by Federal Government