
Earth Like Planets

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    Here is my timeline on earth like planets. Hope you enjoy!
  • 16 Cygni B

    16 Cygni B
    This planet is 69 light years away.There are 800 days a year on this planet. It is around the same size of Saturn.
  • Gliese 667cc

    Gliese 667cc
    It was discovered on November 21, 2011 and is located 22 light years away from its host star. It is 4.5 x the size of Earth.
  • Kepler 22b

    Kepler 22b
    This planet is 2.4 times the size of Earth.It is 600 light years from Earth and was discovered on Dec 5, 2011.
  • Kepler 20e

    Kepler 20e
    A year on Kepler 20e is 6 Earth days. It is 760 degrees C on this planet.
  • Kepler 47c

    Kepler 47c
    On this planet there is an eclipse every 7.5 days. One year is less than fifty days and and is

    3500 light years away from Earth.
  • Kepler 62f

    Kepler 62f
    It is 1200 light years away. This planet is 1.4 x the size of Earth. It was discovered on April 18 2013.
  • Kepler 69c

    Kepler 69c
    On this planet there are 242 days in a year. This planet was discovered on April 18 2013.
  • Kepler 186f

    Kepler 186f
    A year on Kepler 186f is 130 days. It is 500 light years from Earth.
  • Kepler 452b

    Kepler 452b
    It is 1.5 billion years older than the sun. Orbit is 5% longer than Earth's. It is 1400 light years away from Earth.
  • Ross 128b

    Ross 128b
    It is 11 light years away. It was discovered on November 15 2017. Highest temp is 27 C.
  • BYE

    I hope you enjoyed reading my timeline. i spent a lot of time on it. Bye.