early Chinese history

  • 1750 BCE

    Shang dynasty has first major rule over china

    Shang dynasty has first major rule over china
    This dynasty was considered a farming society by aristocracy.
  • Period: 1750 BCE to 1045 BCE

    Shang Dynasty rules china

    The Shang Dynasty made many achievements such as bronze weapons and tools. The capital is where present day Zhengzhou and Anyang
  • 1601 BCE

    The First lunar calendar is made

    The First lunar calendar is made
    it was a solar based calendar developed by Wan- Nein. The calendar was a 365 day calendar.
  • 1045 BCE

    Shang Dynasty falls

    Shang Dynasty falls
    Conquerors from the state of Zhou invaded the capital toppling the Shang Dynasty
  • 1045 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty comes to power

    Zhou Dynasty comes to power
    Declares the mandate from heaven. The idea that there could be only one legitimate ruler of China at the time. Meaning that the ruler has the blessing of the gods.
  • Period: 1045 BCE to 256 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Major projects to control flooding and irrigation fields, iron plow increases crops, silk farms, Chinese written language. There capital is in Hao (near present-day Xi'an) and Luoyang
  • 475 BCE

    The first plow invented

    The first plow invented
    a flat v shaped iron piece that is attracted to a wooden piece that was pulled by a human in order to plow a field.
  • 403 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty has trouble

    Zhou Dynasty has trouble
    Civil war begins to brew in the states of China. The Zhou Dynasty was strong but the rulers who were ruling at the time were requiring for help to run the empire. the states of Chu, Han, Qin, Wei, Yan, Qi and Zhao.
  • Period: 403 BCE to 223 BCE

    Chinese civil war

    improvement the warfare come along with this war such as Iron weapons, calvary men, and crossbows
  • 256 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty falls

    Zhou Dynasty falls
    This Dynasty falls because of a weakened government from the recent civil war that took place
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty comes to power

    Qin Dynasty comes to power
    This Dynasty comes to power by attacking the capital while it was weakened by the civil war.
  • Period: 221 BCE to 207 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Making simple Monetary system, systems of roads, extends control to red river, builds grand canal, adopts Legalism. There capital is in Chang'an, present-day Xian