Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus Discovers America
Christopher Columbus landed in the Bahamas with his three ships the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. This was the beginning of a new world. -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed. This was an agreement between Spain and Portugal that divided the land of the new-world between the two of them. -
Aug 13, 1521
Hernan Cortes Cunquers Aztecs
Hernan Cortes conquers the mighty Aztec Empire. They did this by laying seige to the empire and were helped by epidemics among the Native Americans. -
May 8, 1541
Mississippi River
Hernando de Soto discovered the Mississippi River while exploring the southeast. De Soto was the first European to ever document seeing the river. -
Sep 26, 1580
Francis Drake
Francis Drake completed his circumnavigation of the world on this day. He returned to England with many riches of gold, silver, pearls, and precious stones. -
Jamestown Settlement Is Established
The English settlement known as Jamestown was founded. They suffered much hardships and were unable to successfully form a permanent comunity. -
John Rolfe
John Rolfe perfected the tobacco plant for his colony. This was a major break through for Virginia, as it gave the colonists a way to make money. Tobacco was very popular in England, and it soon became the staple crop of Virginia. -
John Rolfe and Pocahontas
John Rolfe married Pocahontas and ended the First Anglo-Powhatan War. This gives a few short years of peace, followed by the Second Anglo-Powhatan War, in which Rolfe is killed. -
House of Burgesses
The House of Burgesses has its first meeting. The Virginia Company created this to try and attract more settlers to make the journey to the Americas. -
Pilgrims Sight Land
The Pilgrims, who set sail for the new world, sighted land. They came for religious freedom, and settled in the domain of the Virginia Company without legal permission. -
Charles I
Charles I becomes the king of England. He prosecuted Puritan. He also dismissed Parliament for a number of years. He was eventually executed. -
Pequot War
The Pequot War began, and lasted for 4 years. It resulted in hundreds of Pequot Indians being killed, and even more sold into slavery. -
Bacon Burns Jamestown
Nathaniel Bacon led an uprising known as Bacon's Rebellion. On this date, they chased Virginia's governor William Berkeley out of Jamestown and burned the city. -
Leisler's Rebellion
A mob formed in Boston, Massachusetts and arrested the governor along with other dominion officials. This raised prospects in New York, and led to a cascade of events that shook the state. The uprise in New York became known as Leisler's Rebellion. -
Act of Toleration
The Act of Toleration was signed. This gave tolerance to people of the Protestant religion. However, it did not grant Catholics this same tolerance. -
Lynchings in Massachusetts
The lynchings began in Salem, Massachusetts on this date. They were all charged with witchcraft. -
Tuscarora War
The Tuscarora War begins between the British, Dutch, and German settlers and the Tuscarora Native Americans. It lasted for four years, until a treaty was signed in 1715. -
North Carolina
North Carolina formally separated from South Carolina. North Carolina became known for being irreligious and hospitable to pirates. -
Yamasee War
The Yamasee War broke out between South Carolina and many different Indian tribes inhabiting the area. The war took a big toll of South Carolina, and its future was in question. However, tides turned and the war ended in 1715 as the Native Americans withdrew. -
The colony of Georgia was founded. This was intended only to buffer the valuable Carolinas from attacks by the French and Spanish. -
Zenger Free Press Trial
John Peter Zenger was the owner of a newspaper who assailed their corrupt local governor. This caused much controversy, and when Zenger won it was a banner achievement for freedom of te press and democracy. -
End of Conojocular War
A war between Pennsylvania and Maryland was ended over boundary disputes. -
Lake Michigan
French explorer Piere Gaultier de Varennes et de la Verendrye reaches the western shore of Lake Michigan. -
George Whitefield
In 1738 George Whitefield traveled around the colonies delivering his new, passionate type of preachings. He was a leader of the Great Awakening. -
Stono Rebellion
The Stono Rebellion was the largest slave rebellion prior to the American Revolution. It was in South Carolina. -
War of Jenkin's Ear
The War of Jenkin's Ear begins between Great Britain and Spain. It was mainly confined to the Caribbean Sea. -
Slaves Hung
50 slaves were hung in South Carolina after the discovery of their plans for another revolt. -
Alaska Discovered
Alaska was discorvered by a Danish man, Vitus Bering. -
Franklin Invents Stove
Benjamin Franklin invents the "Franklin Stove." -
Princeton College is founded. -
First Lutheran Church
The first Lutheran Church, The Pennsylvania Ministerium, is established in Philadelphia, PA. -
Iron Act
The Iron Act was put into effect by Parliament, which limited the growth of the Iron Industry in the American colonies. -
Currency Act
The Currency Act was passed, banning the issueing of paper money in New England. -
First Hospital
The first hospital was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. -
Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell was ordered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Pennsylvania. -
French and Indian War
The French and Indian War started in New England. It was between Great Britain and France, and it lasted until 1763. -
William Pitt
William Pitt becomes secretary of state. He places a policy of unlimited warfare in affect, and this intensifies the French and Indian War. -
Fort Niagra
French Fort Niagra was taken by the English. -
South Carolina Anti-Slavery
South Carolina's anti-trade proposal for slaves is vetoed by Britain. -
Treaty of Paris
France signed the Treaty of Paris, ending the Seven Years War. In doing this, France signed off all their land in America east of the Mississippi River to England except for New Orleans. -
March of the Paxton Boys
Uprising in Philadelphia. -
Sugar Act
This raised taxes on sugar from the west indies. -
Stamp Act
Parliament passed the Stamp Act which imposed taxes on the colonists. This angered the colonists who protested heavily. -
Quartering Act
Parliament passed the Quartering Act. This stated that colonists must house, feed, and tend to British soldiers. This enraged the colonists. -
Stamp Act Repealed
After much protest in America, Parliament was forced to repeal the Stamp Act. -
Townshend Act
Acts made by Charles Townshend to tax the colonists. -
Boston Massacre
British soldiers shot and killed protesters in Boston. -
Boston Tea Party
Boston rebels marched right past guards in the Boston Harbor and onto ships. The rebels threw hundreds of crates of tea into the harbor. -
Briish East India Company
Granted a monopoly on tea in America. Actually lowered the price, even with the taxes. -
First Continental Congress
This congress was brought together in America to discuss what should be done about the situation with Britain. -
Quebec Act
Britain passed the Quebec Act. This extended the boundaries of Quebec all the way down to the Ohio Valley. This was another act that angered the colonists. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
British troops marched on and attacked Lexington, and pursued colonists to Concord. They were forced to retreat at Concord. This began the Revolutionary War. -
Antislavery Society
The first completely antislavery society was founded in Philadelphia. -
Declaration of Independance
The Declaration of Independance was signed. This stated that the Americans were now their own nation and were free from England. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle during the Revolutionary War in Massachusetts. The colonists suffered over 300 deaths. -
Articles of Confederation
This was the first constitution that joined the 13 colonies as the United States of America. -
Puruvian Indians
The Puruvian Indians revolted against Spain. -
Battle of Yorktown
America and France defeated Britain in this battle. This was one of the last major battles of the Revolutionary War. -
Uranus was discovered by William Harschel. -
Treaty of Paris
This was the end of the Revolutionary War. It gave the Americans independance from Britain. -
George Washington President
George Washington was unanimously elected as the 1st President of the United States. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights was passed, which included the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. These amendments guaranteed American citizen liberties and rights. -
Capital is Moved
George Washington decided to move the capital to the District of Columbia, or Washington DC. He also chose a location to erect a building in which every President of the United States would live. -
Battle of Fallen Timbers
The US army, led by General "Mad" Anthony Wayne, defeated the Miami Confederacy. It was a major defeat to the Native Americans. -
Pickney's Treaty
Spain and the U.S. signed this treaty establishing the southern border of the U.S. and giving Americans rights to send goods down the Mississippi. -
John Adams Elected
John Adams was elected as second President of the United States. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
President Adams issued the Alien and Sedition Acts. This raised the naturalization process from 5 years to 14 years and made it illegal to critisize the government. -
Tripolian War
President Jefferson sends the marines to Tripoli after they're ruler cut down the American flag at the consolate building, challenging the U.S. because we would no longer pay bribes for protection from their pirates. -
Midnight Judges
President John Adams nominated 16 members of his own Federalist party new lifelong District judge positions He did this right before he left office to ensure that Federalists would stay in office. -
Thomas Jefferson Elected
Thomas Jefferson is elected third President of the United States. -
Madison vs. Marbury
Marbury sued James Madison because he did not recieve his commission as one of the midnight judges from President Jefferson. -
Louisiana Purchase
Napolean Bonaparte sold the entire Louisiana Territory for only $15 million. This was because he feared losing this territory after devoting an extraordinary amount of his troops and money to put down a rebellion in South America -
Louis and Clark
President Jefferson chose Louis and Clark to begin an expedition to explore the land east of the Mississippi River in the Louisiana Purchase. This expedition resulted in much valuable information needed to begin settling in the west. -
Burr is Tried for Treason
Aaron Burr is tried for treason against the U.S. However, he is acquitted because he never actually did a treasonous action. Following this, Burr flees to France. -
Embargo Act
President Washington issued the Embargo Act which stopped all foreign trade. -
Non Intercourse Act
The Non Intercourse Act replaced the Embargo Act. This new act stated that the U.S. would resume trade with foreign nations, but would not trade with Britain or France until they lifted their laws that all trade must first go through them. -
Fletcher vs. Peck
Monumental court case tat resulted in the Sumpreme Court recvieving power to invalidate state laws that are deemed as unconstitutional. -
War of 1812
The United States declared War on Britain. -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 began which pitted the U.S. against Britain for a second fight for independance. The war would end by the Treaty of Ghent in Belgium, with neither side gaining or losing anything. -
Hartford Convention
26 delegates from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont discussed their greivances and seeked redress for their wrongs. -
American Colonization Society
American Colonization Society is formed. They focused on importing freed blacks back to Africa. -
Treaty of 1818
The US peacefully divided the lands of the Oregon territory between themselves and Britain. -
Treaty of 1819
Spain gave Florida to the US. -
Missouri Compromise
This made Missoui a slave state and added Maine to the Union as a free state. This equaled out the slave state and free state representatives in the House of Representatives. -
Denmark Vesey
Led a slave rebellion in Charleston, SC. -
The American government established a territory in Africa called Liberia. This is where the American Colonization Society would take the free blacks. Its capitol was Monrovia. -
Temperance Society
The American Temperance Society was formed to try to get people to redeuce their use of alcohol. -
David Walker
Publishes Appeal to Colored Citizens of the World, which called for freedom and proposed military action to achieve it. -
Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson issued the Indian Removal Act. This forced indians to abandon their native lands and walk thousands of miles to reservations through the Trail of Tears. -
William Garrison
Garrison begins publishing The Liberator. This was a radical, abolition book, Garrison called for the North to secede. -
Nat Turner
Leads a slave rebellion in Virginia. -
West Indies
British abolished slavery in the West-Indies. This made the North push even harder for abolition in the South. -
American Anti-Slavery Society
The American Anti-Slavery Society was founded. They pushed for abolition of slavery in the South. -
No More Abolitionist Mail
The US government forced post offices to destroy all abolitionist material that came into their office. -
Gag Resolution
The Gag Resolution was passed by the House of Representatives. This tabled all petitions for the abolition of slavery without them even being discussed. -
Elijah Lovejoy
Aboloitionist paper owner Elijah Lovejoy's house is broken into and he is killed (Alton, Illinois) -
The Alamo
The battle of the Alamo occured. It was a battle between Mexico and Texas rebels for independance. -
The first form of photography is invented, called the daguerreotyple. -
Liberty Party
The Liberty Party is organized. This party wanted the abolition of slavery and was supported by great abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass. -
John Tyler
John Tyler assumes the role as President of the United States after Harrison dies. -
James Buchanan
James Buchanan became President of the United States. -
Dred Scott Case
Monumental Supreme Court decision that ruled that a slave did not have the right to sue for his freedom and that Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery. -
John Brown
John Brown captures Harper's Ferry armory. This was a failed slave rebellion. John Brown was executed for this. -
Lincoln is elected President. The South was furious and seceded because of this. -
South Secedes
The South secedes from the Union and creates their own separate government, known as the Confederate States of Amercia. -
1st Battle of Bull Run
This was the first major battle of the Civil War. The South won and became overconfident. -
Fort Sumter
The first shots of the Civil War were fired. This began the Civil War. -
Battle of Fredricksburg
Ambrose Burnside replaced George McClellan as Union general. Burnside went to battle completely unprepared and the Union lost. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issued this to free all slaves in the Confederacy This did not free the slaves in the border states. This was not passed by Congress and could not be enforced. -
Robert E. Lee attacked Maryland. The Union found his battle plans but could not win. The battle was a draw, but the Union made it sound like they won. This stopped Britain and France from wanting to help the south. -
Moniter vs. Merrimack
This battle between two ships plated with steel made wooden ships obselete. The battle was a draw. -
New Orleans
David Farragut, a naval commander, led the Union in this battle. The Union won, and gained control of the Mississippi River. -
Peninsula Campaign
Union General George McClellan made an attempt to capture the South's capitol of Richmond, but he took too long to prepare and the South was able to defend themselves. -
Robert E. Lee attacked Maryland. The Union found his battle plans but could not win. The battle was a draw, but the Union made it sound like they won. This stopped Britain and France from wanting to help the south. -
Battle in Pennsylvania where the Union successfully defended against the Confederacy. This was a monumental victory for the Union. -
The Man Without a Country
Novel published about a man who was found guilty of his participation in the Aaron Burr conspiracy. -
Election of 1864
Lincoln wins presidency over McClellan. -
Wade-Davis Bill
Plan that would recquire 50% of southern voters to pledge allegiance to the US before southern states would be admitted back into the Union. Lincoln pocket vetoed this. -
Union Wins
Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendurs at Appotomax Courthouse -
Lincoln's Assassination
John Wilkes Boothe assassinates Lincoln shortly after the end of the Civil War.