Civil War Buildup Stuff - Crissy Wilson

  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    Americans were not following Mexico laws one being not to bring slavery into the previously owned Mexican territory. The Americans didn’t follow this rule and ended up starting a war because Americans wouldn't follow rules and Mexicans were getting angry. This war led to many tragedies and conflicts between Mexico and America, but eventually America won almost all of the territory North of what is now Current US.
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

    Americans were not following Mexico laws one being not to bring slavery into the previously owned Mexican territory. The Americans didn’t follow this rule and ended up starting a war because Americans wouldn't follow rules and Mexicans were getting angry. This war led to many tragedies and conflicts between Mexico and America, but eventually America won almost all of the territory North of what is now Current US.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Republican leaders agreed to the demands of the Democratic party who wanted federal money to build a railroad from Texas to the West Coast, and improve southern rivers, harbors, and bridges, as well as having a man named Hayes to appoint a conservative Southerner to the cabinet. This compromise led to the end of Reconstruction in the South.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    A published piece by abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe which stirred reactions from the North and South and became an instant bestseller. It contained the message that slavery was not just a political contest, but a great moral struggle.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Abolitionist and religious man named John Brown had believed God had called on him to fight slavery. He (and followers) killed five men from the proslavery settlement in Pottawatomie Creek, this led to revenge from the proslavery side. A massacre in Kansas was triggered with around 200 people being killed, John Brown fled but left his followers to fight, Kansas had become a violent battlefield in the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    Abolitionist and religious man named John Brown had believed God had called on him to fight slavery. He (and followers) killed five men from the proslavery settlement in Pottawatomie Creek, this led to revenge from the proslavery side. A massacre in Kansas was triggered with around 200 people being killed, John Brown fled but left his followers to fight, Kansas had become a violent battlefield in the Civil War.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Stephen Douglas had introduced a bill in Congress to divide the area of Nebraska and Kansas into two which would allow slavery in the North. Which if passed would repeal the Missouri Compromise and cause popular sovereignty.
  • The Caning of Sumner

    The Caning of Sumner
    A member of the House (Preston Brooks) came into the Senate Chamber and beat Senator Charles Sumner with a cane. Both seen as their respective heroes to the North and South.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    A legal Supreme court case, in which Sanford had stated that free slave Dred Scott was not entitled to his freedom and that Afro Americans could never be US citizens which declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. Supreme court Justice Roger Taney had move the majority ruling that Afro Americans were not US citizens whether free or enslaved and therefore meaning they had no right to sue and the declared the Missouri compromise unconstitutional.
  • Kansas Voters rejecting the Lecompton Constitution

    Kansas Voters rejecting the Lecompton Constitution
    After the Kansas Nebraska act was passed Kansas was proposed many constitution to help them determine whether they were gonna be a free or slave state. One particular constitution was the Lecompton Constitution which stated that Kansas would practice enslavement. Many pushed for this constitution through congress but ultimately, Kansas voters had turned down the constitution. This resulting in Kansas being a free state.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    A heated debate between the Abraham Lincoln and Stephan Douglas that caught America by storm, they had in total seven debates in seven different congressional districts in Illinois these well known debates were back and forth between the two, mentions of powers in the government and how all men were created equal and how even the founding father thought that eventually slavery should be abolished.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    One of the most pivotal elections in American history, this election in which Lincoln came out victorious and the move he would do next would tear states and families apart, the starting of the civil war.
  • Confederacy Formed

    Confederacy Formed
    The southern states has seceded from the US (after Lincoln was elected). The first state seceded in December of 1960 and the last southern stated seceded in February of 1961, this greatly angered the North and now that the sections were separated triggering fighting, meaning the Civil war is only incoming.