civil war

  • Missouri Compromise 1820

    Missouri Compromise 1820
    With abolitions support, people were concerned with the growth of slavery.The north and south have debated on the growth of slavery. Henry Clay settles the debate by making maine a free state and arkensas would have a choice of having slavery or not having slavery. The Missouri Compromise is a law saying certain states are slave states, certain states are free, and certain states have a choice.
  • The Nullification Crisis 1832

    The Nullification Crisis 1832
    After tarrif laws passed, southern states thought that tarrifs were unfair and only supported the north. John C. Calhoun said any state can nullify a federal law. When the federal law denied South Carolinas argument, South Carolina threatend to secede. Henry Clay made up a compromise and made the tarrifs less expensive.
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

    Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
    The Fugitive Slave Act captured african americans who were escaping to the North. It convinsed some abolitionist that race was nessesary to end slavery. This set the stage for the American Civil War.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    After the was with mexico, congress had many debates about if mexicos new territories would be slave states or free states. Henry Clay helped make another compromise for the North and the South.The compromise said that California would be a free state and that congress cant pass laws banning slavery. Some people think the compromise saved the union.
  • Bleeding Kansas 1855

    Before kansas could enter the union, there was