
  • Queen Elizabeth Dies

    Queen Elizabeth died of blood poisoning. A relative of the Tudors from Scotland became king. Conflict in parliament erupted when James I had a view of absolute monarchy.
  • Thirty Years War

    Thirty Years War started in 1618 and ended in 1648. It was between the Catholics and the Protestants in Europe. It involved all of Europe except England.
  • MAY 23, 1618 The Bohemian Revolt

    The Bohemian Revolt was one of four phases in the Thirty Years War. An assembly of Protestants seized two Catholic Councillors and threw them out of the palace window. This event, known as the (Second) Defenestration of Prague, started the Bohemian Revolt
  • Treaty of Stettin

    During the Thirty Years War, the Treaty of Stettin was signed by Sweden and Pomerania. This created a close alliance between them. Also, gave Sweden full military control over Pomerania.
  • Thomas Hobbes Writes His Book Leviathon

    In this book he expresses his views on the government. He believed that people needed governments to impose order. Also that people in a society should give up some of their freedom to a leader for peace, safety and order.
  • Charles 11

    Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland reigned from 1660 to 1665. A political crisis that came after the death of Cromwell in 1658 resulted in the restoration of the monarchy, and Charles was invited to return to Britain. On the 29th of May he returned to Britian.
  • Cavalier Parliament

    The Cavalier Parliament of England lasted from 8 May 1661 until 24 January 1679. It was the longest English Parliament, lasting for almost 18 years of the quarter century reign of Charles II of England. It is also known as the Pensioner Parliament.
  • St. Petersburg Founded

    St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great in Russia. This city was Russia's capitol city. Open to year-long trade
  • Charles VI dies

    Charles VI died without a male heir. Before he passed he signed something called the Pragmatic Sanction. This document said that the empire could be passed to a female. Which meant his daughter Maria Theresa would now take the throne.
  • Last Encyclopedia Published

    Diderot published the last encyclopedia after 27 years of writing them. French leaders said the encyclopedia criticized the church, the government and the legal system. The government tried to stop the publication of them in 1759.
  • New Constitution

    Delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the articles of the Constitution. Instead they ended up writing a new constitution. This document remains the oldest written constitution still today.