Change and Continuity of Foreign Policies

  • Washington's Inauguration

    Washington's Inauguration
    -inaugurated as president of the US in Federal Hall in New York City.
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Proclamation of Neutrality
    -stated that America wouldn’t get involved in the war between France and Britain
    ~helped them develop their country, as it was new, without having to worry about war and invasions
    ~many people were upset and many reactions were triggered, but this was for the good of the nation because it prevented the ruin of our fragile country
    ~established George Washington’s view about avoiding alliances
  • Jay's Treaty Signed

    Jay's Treaty Signed
    -Washington appointed John Jay to be a special envoy to Britain and he created the Jay’s Treaty
    -Treaty included: British pay for the damage to American ships
    British would abandon their forts in the Northwest Territory
    America would pay back our debts to Britain
    ~encouraged Britain to respect the U.S.
    ~expanded our country and allowed us tocontinue moving west without fear of a devastating attack
  • Pinckney's Treaty Signed

    Pinckney's Treaty Signed
    -treaty between America and Spain
    -settled border dispute between the US and Spanish Florida
    -reopened the New Orleans port to the US
    -Spain agreed to stop support of Native Americans
    ~avoided potential conflict with Spain
    ~easily take over NA territory
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    -don't involve in foreign affairs***
    -don't make political parties
    -don't fall into debt
    -all three were violated sooner or later but the first two were violated in the next presidency
  • John Adams' Inauguration

    John Adams' Inauguration
    -Held in the House of Representatives Chamber of Congress Hall
    -Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    -3 diplomats negotiated with France to make them stop attacking American ships
    -French representatives demanded a bribe, and our diplomats refused
    ~America was angry at being treated disrespectfully
    ~like Washington because both didn't want to create a relationship with foreign countries
    ~like Washington because Adams tried to make a treaty to protect the US from war
  • Alien and sedition acts

    Alien and sedition acts
    -The Sedition Act made it illegal to criticize the government in times of crisis
    -The Alien Act gave the government permission escort suspicious foreigners out of the US
    -Aliens also had to wait 14 years to become citizens. It used to be 5 years
    ~violated 1st amendment which angered American citizens
    ~different than what Washington would have done
    ~Washington supported the idea of freedom, and even lead a war for it, and wouldn't have violated the Constituion or Bill of Rights
  • Peace Negotiations with France

    Peace Negotiations with France
    -After the XYZ affair, many Americans wanted to go to war
    -Adams opposed war with France and created Treaty of Mortefontaine to end hostility with France
    -Adams became unpopular because of his decision
    ~but they didn't listen to him and tarted the Quasi-War
    ~like Washington because he didn't want to go to war
  • Kennedy Inauguration

    Kennedy Inauguration
    -Kennedy was inagurated as the 35th president
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    -unsuccessful invasion of Cuba during the Cold War, which the United States guided the Cuban refugees
    -the purpose was to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
    ~complete failure and it never "freed" Cuba
    ~showed that we didn't support communism
    ~opposes Washington’s policy of neutrality in global affairs because the US promises to fight communism in the western hemisphere
  • Kennedy Sends Military Advisors to Vietnam

    Kennedy Sends Military Advisors to Vietnam
    -in order to deal with the conflicts in Vietnam, Kennedy sent military advisors there.
    -later, he sent the special forces in 1961, an elite army group, to train the Vietnamese in warfare
    ~he never called these troops back
    ~different from Washington's opinion that we should not involve ourselves in wars but Kennedy did it anyway
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963

    Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963
    -Kennedy made an agreement with Great Britain and the Soviet Union to ban nuclear testing
    ~success by the US to engage in constructive negotiations with the Soviet Union
    ~Cold War tensions between US and the Soviet Union would reduce
    ~this pact was to hold strong for a long time.
    ~similar to the XYZ Affair because both policies had established an agreement between countries through negotiation
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    -he was shot as he was in his car in the motorcade
    -he was rushed to the hospital but nothing could be done
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    -we felt that we were behind in Space Race
    -so JFK asked Congress to fund NASA so we could put a man on the moon
    ~fueled our desire for more exploration even if it was after JFK died
    ~we never stopped our thirst for more and NASA still stands in the US today
    ~the space race causes a lot of animosity towards the Soviet Union ~Washington wouldn’t have wanted us to develop this hatred
    ~like Dwight D. Eisenhower, who created NASA and also wanted to compete in the space race.