Surrender of lord cornwallis canvas john laurens 1820

Causes of the Revolution

  • Apr 27, 1173

    Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was when the British lowered the price but also the quality of the tea they were trading. The Colonists were upset by this and decided to dress up as Indians and dump the tea into the harbor, costing the Britain's a lot of money.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The fight between the Colonists and the Native Americans for land. The colonists lost the battle.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act cut down the tax on sugar by half but enforced strict restrictions. The Colonists were upset with the fact that the British were now trying smugglers in their courts, which were much stricter than Colonial courts.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act declared that all printed materials needed a stamp, and stamps were not free. This mainly affected newspaper printers and lawyers, the Colonists reacted by coordinating all three colonies to boycott British goods.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend Act added tax on several things that the colonists traded and implemented stricter customs to stop smuggling. The Colonists were outraged with this as they felt they were being taxed without having any way in British parliament, they were being treated as if they were a part of Britain but not actually given the choices or representation they deserved.
  • The Start of the Revolutionary War

    The Start of the Revolutionary War
    The war between the Colonists and British started by the Massachusetts Militia and British soldiers breaking out in a fight. The Britain's abandon Boston after this and took over New York.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    The Declaratory Act was when British parliament repealed the Stamp Act, but enforced the fact they they could tax the Colonists whenever and on whatever they wanted. The Colonists took this as a victory but were still frustrated with the fact that the British still planned on taxing them.