Missouri compromise
Missouri would become a slave state and Main and free state
blacenced the slave ans free states but not a long-term solution -
Period: to
Causes of The Civil War
Wilmot Proviso
Any land accurde to Mexico would be a slave state
Southerners were mad, because they wanted slavery to spread but the north dident want slavery to spread -
Compromise of 1850
The 5 main parts of Clay's original plan,Fillmore called it the compromise a "final statement"of the conflict between the north and the south
another temporary solution -
Dred scott Decision
A court of the freedom of Dred Scott.Dred Scott won and become a free man but his owners wife went to the suprem court and Dred Scott had to fight for his freedom again -
Uncle Toms Cabin
Harrie beecher stowe wrote a book about slavery
Raged the north to work against slavery -
Kansas/Nebraska act
Dispute over slvery erupted in congress a bill stated that a state could now have slavery by Popular sovereisnty
Many felt it undid the Missouri Compromise -
Bleeding Kansas
People who were against slavery and those who suppored slavery moved to Kansas to vote on whether Kansas would be a free state of a slave state
the violence started to grow first violent clash over slavery -
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Lincoln and Douglas were depadeing for a seat in the sencten neirther liked slavery but had different depensions
People in the south thougth that Lincoln was tring to tack away slavery -
Raid on harbors faire john brown
John Brown tried to Cause a uprise of slaves to fight the south jahn brown became a hero of the north and he had conviced the south that the north was out to destroy slavery -
Lincolns elected
Lincoln won all of the nothern states votes 40% and bearly any votes from the south some southen states dident even have him on the bord to be elected Southern thought that Loncoln would revlts slavery and they dident want that.Lincoln just wanted to get rid of slavery -
South carolina seceded
The south held a special covention and voted to secede nation heads to war as Lincolns goal isto preserve the union