Cold war

Canada's role in the Cold war

  • Quebec Padlock

    Quebec Padlock
    The 'Dark Age' of QuebecThis act ammened the criminal code in Quebec act to protect province from communist propoganda. Any communists that weren't citizens of Canada were deported
  • Gouzenko Affair

    Gouzenko Affair
    GOuzenko Exposed a soviet spy system to the public located in Canada. He moved to Canada for political preference after being soldier of war. He then exposed this information because he was once apart of the War Effort. He was denied by the RCMP when he first came to then, however later on he was proven right after, being ransacked by KGB agents.
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    Berlin Blockade

    the Berlin BlockadeSoviet Unoin blocked the western Allies access to the sector of Berlin under Allied control. The socviets goal was to cut off imports in order for the Sovieta to supply for them thereby taking control over them. The allies then created the Berlin airlift to which consisted of Canada's and a number of other british colony countries to supply air support to fly in supplies to western Berlin.
  • International Alliance: NATO

    International Alliance: NATO
    History of NATOThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed which was a pact against all communist counrties. This contains all accepted capatalistic countries such as Canada, This was important to Canada because it meant us helping other countries during this Cold War crisis.
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    The Korean War

    The Korean War DocumentaryThe Korean War was a war which disputed between communism vs. capitalism in the north and south regions of Korea. It was also the fight for the great southern penisula in control by the southern capitalist region. As the war went on US and Canada was sent to aid the South Koreans this meant sending off the 13000 personnel from the Royal Candian Airforce and 5000 women.
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    THe Vietnam War

    The Vietnam WarThe War was another war about communism vs. capitalism between the north and south regions of Vietnam. This was known as a very gruesome war since the soldiers in Vietnam were more along the lines of farmers and citizens, which made it difficult to spot them, therefore USA’s peacekeeping troops ended up killing all of the citizens in a village. Many Americans would flee to Canada in order to avoid being conscripted into the horrifying war. This impacted Canada since there was a population increa
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    The Suez Crisis

    the Other side of the Suez The Suez Crisis was when the Arabs wanted to take back Israel the land that they were kicked out of since the Jews used to live there a long time ago and they deserve it after the events of the Holocaust. Pearson suggested that UN peacekeepers go to block off all supplies coming in to help the Arabs forcing them to surrender. This meant blocking the two gulfs in the Red Sea in order to lower their supplies Pearson was then awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Sputnik and Canadas Space Program

    Sputnik and Canadas Space Program
    The Sputnik was that the Soviets were placing a sadilte in Space using a rocket that is also used to carry nuclear warheads. This resulted in USA getting long range bombers which started the completion for the military upper hand. This period was when the Canadian Space Program accomplished many goals such as being the third country to send a man made satilite into space, They also had some projects for creating a large number of small rockets, which helped boost Canada's defence.
  • NORAD And DEW Line

    NORAD And DEW Line
    The Early Warning Radar System - A Cold War LegacyNORAD and the DEW Line, the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the Distant Early Warning Line are a pact with Canada and the US to form a Early Warning LIne. One of them in the North Region of Canada to detect missles coming across the Arctic. US also formed ones in Alaska to detect missiles coming from the North and west.
  • Diefenbaker and the bomarc missiles

    Diefenbaker and the bomarc missiles
    Diefenbaker the prime minister of Canada at the time allowed USA to place the first Bomarc missiles statio in NorthBay after they scrapped the idea of using the avro arrow however diefenbaker was against attaching nuclear warheads to the missiles since nuclear is not what the governement believe is a proper solution.
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    Avro Arrow and it's cancellation

    CF-105 Avro ArrowThe Avro Arrow was a technical advancedment in a fighter in fighter jet technology made in Canada and was Canada's first super sonic jet. However due to its cost the governement looked more towards the cheaper bomarc missiles that US was planning on using. The arrow was important to Canada because it showed something for Canada to be proud of, of by having their counrty build such a magnificent super sonic jet.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    the Cuban Missile CrisisWhat started as the Sputnik satellite crisis ended up in this larger Crisis to have the upper hand in military technology. One of the large upper hands was to have more devastating nuclear missiles close to the enemy. US placed their Jupiter in turkey encase of a large Soviet attack. Then the Russians wanted the upper hand so they sent their missiles to Cuba since Fidel Castro was a communist, therefore he supported Russia. However John F. Kennedy said to set up a blockade offshore of Cuba since
  • The Soviet and Canadian summit hockey series

    The Soviet and Canadian summit hockey series
    The summit hockey seriesA series of Hockey when the Canadian ‘faced off’ with the Soviets. This was important to Canada since it would prove which system is more successful communism or capitalism.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Fall of the Berlin Wall DocumentaryThe Demolition of the Berlin Wall started using sledge hammers and chisels to break down a physical wall separating communism and capitalism. This wall prevented anyone to go through it therefore the other side would not have been seen for about 30 years. This impacted Canada by allowing to communicate and continue business with eastern Berlin.
  • The Soviet Dissolution

    The Soviet Dissolution
    The Dissolution of the Soviet UnionThe Soviets dissolved which was very important to Canada because it was the absolute death of Communism in Russia.