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Civil rights movement event

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    1954-1955 was the beginning of the civil rights movement, It starts with Rosa Park who refused to give her seat to a white man on a bus, after being arrested a boycott was organized by Martin Luther King.
  • Sit In

    Sit In
    protesters using a form of protest called sit in. Protesters sat down in a segregated lunch counter Knowing that they would not be served, some of them has been harassed or arrested.
  • Freedom rides

    Freedom rides
    a group called congress of racial equality have sponsored freedom rides, It consisted of making whites and blacks travel together. Some freedom rides weres beaten or arrested and a bus was bombed in Alabama.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    About 250,000 200 people gathered in Washington to urge congress to pass a civil right Law, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech "i have a Dreams"
  • Passage of new law

    Passage of new law
    The civil right act of 1964 outlawed some discrimination. in 1965, the voting right passed.
  • Black power movement

    Black power movement
    Black Power came to represent the demand for more immediate violent action to counter American white supremacy. Most of these ideas were influenced by Malcolm X's criticism of Martin Luther King peaceful protest methods.
  • The end

    The end
    In 1968, Martin Luther King was assasinated, his murder ended the civil rights movement