• 960 BCE


    In Israel, there was a famine in the area of Canaan
  • 960 BCE


    With their two sons Mahlon and Chillion, Elimelech and his wife Naomi moved to Moab
  • 956 BCE


    Naomi is left with their two sons after Elimelech dies
  • 950 BCE


    Naomi's sons marry Oprah and Ruth, two Moab women
  • 940 BCE


    Mallon and Chilion die after ten years. Naomi, Oprah, and Ruth were all windows with only each other for company
  • 940 BCE


    Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem with Oprah and Ruth after hearing that the Lord has provided food for the people.
  • 940 BCE


    'Go back to your own mothers' houses,' Naomi ordered her two daughters-in-law. May the Lord shower you with the same tenderness you show your deceased husbands and me. May God's wrath descend upon you while you seek new husbands.
  • 940 BCE


    she kissed them, and they broke down in tears and whispered to her, "Surely we will return with you to your people."
  • 939 BCE


    Ruth and Oprah cried once again. Oprah kissed Naomi goodbye before heading back to her mother's home. Ruth, on the other hand, grabbed Naomi and refused to let go.
  • 939 BCE


    “Don’t urge me to leave you”, Ruth replied, “where you go I will go, where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your god will be my god. Where you die I will die”
  • 939 BCE


    Naomi and Ruth started out on the road to Bethlehem when they learned Ruth was determined to stay with her.
  • 939 BCE


    When they arrived, Ruth decided that she needed to get some work done. It was harvest season, so she went out into the fields and followed behind the harvesters, picking up any barley that had been left behind.
  • 938 BCE


    "Don't go work in any other field; stay here with the other servant girls," Boaz told Ruth when he went to speak with her. I'll make sure you're safe, and if you are thirsty, you can drink from the water jars." Ruth bowed down to Boaz and inquired, "Why are you being so good to me, I'm not even from here?"
  • 938 BCE


    Boaz replied, “I know what you’re done for Naomi, you left your family and moved to a place you’ve never been. May the lord reward you for your kindness.”
  • 938 BCE


    RuTh thanked Boaz and went back to work. Boaz also instructed his workers to drop additional barley so Ruth might have more. She took all of the barley home with her and shared it with Naomi.
  • 937 BCE


    Naomi encourages Ruth to seek marriage with Boaz
  • 936 BCE


    As a result, Boaz married Ruth. The Lord permitted her to conceive. And she had a son named Ones, who was the grandfather of Kind Gavin and a descendant of the messiah, Jesus Christ.
  • 938


    The field worker passed by and observed turn working. His name was Boaz, and he was related to Naomi's husband, Elimelech.