
Birth of Adolf

  • Birth of Hitler 1889

    Birth of Hitler 1889
  • Hitler moves to Vienna attending Art Acadamy

    Hitler moves to Vienna attending Art Acadamy
    Hitler goes to Vienna to atted Art Acadamy
  • Hitler struggles in Vienna

    Hitler struggles in Vienna
    Without any means of money, Hitler struggles to survive in Vienna, living in a men’s hostel. He sells postcards which he’s drawn, of famous sights, and undertakes a series of menial jobs,to earn money.
  • Hitler goes to military service

    Hitler goes to military service
    Faced with military service for the Habsburg Empire, Hitler takes action to evade this by moving to Munich in Southern Germany. This move is possible in part due to his inheritance of a small legacy from his father’s estate. Here his life continues much as before, until world events changed the course of Hitler’s life.
  • Hitler volunteers to join German army

    Hitler volunteers to join German army
    At the outbreak of the First World War, Hitler volunteers for service in the German army and joined the 16th Barvarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. He distinguishes himself in service, being promoted to corporal and decorated with the Iron Cross for services as a runner on the western front.
  • Hitler gets Blinded

    Hitler gets Blinded
    While fighting the British, Hitler is blinded by a mustard gas attack. He regains his sight but while he is recovering he is deeply depressed and spends much of his time crying.
  • Hitler tries to convince

    Hitler tries to convince
    In Munich, Hitler convinces the German army that he is against socialism and avoids arrest. He helps the army find other soldiers who did support socialism and he is recruited to be a political officer.
  • Beer Hall Putch

    Beer Hall Putch
    The Beer Hall Putsch of November 1923, or the Munich Putsch, was Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the Weimar government of Ebert and establish a right wing nationalistic one in its place.
  • Hitler and the Nazis try to takeover German goverment for power

    Hitler and the Nazis try to takeover German goverment for power
    The Nazis unsuccessfully try to take over the German government and Hitler is sentenced to prison for five years for treason. While there, he dictates his autobiography and book of political ideas, "Mein Kampf," to Rudolph Hess.
  • Jewish holocaust begins

    Jewish holocaust begins
    The Nazis, led by Hitler, begin to systematically eliminate Jews from Eastern Europe. At least six million Jews will be killed, many in brutal concentration camps, before the Holocaust ends in 1945.
  • Hitler became councellor

    Hitler became councellor
    After being named chancellor of Germany in 1933, a presidential election is held in 1934 that Hitler easily wins, partially because he vows to fight communism. He is now firmly in power as dictator of Germany with the title of Fuhrer.
  • Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws against Jews are proclaimed
  • Troops reoccupy

    Troops reoccupy
    German troops reoccupy the demilitarized Rhineland.
  • Nazis attack the Jews

    Nazis attack the Jews
    Nazis attack Jews during the "Night of Broken Glass."
  • Becomes "Man of the Year"

    Becomes "Man of the Year"
    Due to his political dominance and being such as central figure in the world, Time magazine names Hitler as "Man of the Year." The magazine describes the actions of his Nazi Party as "ruthless."
  • Hitler declares war on U.S

    Hitler declares war on U.S
    Four days after Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, Hitler declares war against the U.S. Germany had no agreement with Japan, but Hitler likes the fact that he is now the center of World War II, the biggest war the world has ever seen.
  • Attempt at assasination

    Attempt at assasination
    Hitler escapes serious injury when a bomb explodes at his headquarters in Berlin. It is the third assassination attempt against Hitler. A senior officer is blamed for planting the bomb.
  • Hitler orders destruction

    Hitler orders destruction
    Hitler decides that since Germany has lost the war, the country does not deserve to survive. He orders the destruction of the railroads, highways, and other important features of German industry, but the order is not obeyed.
  • Hitler is captured

    Hitler is captured
    Probably trying to avoid being captured by Soviet troops, Hitler kills himself. He commits suicide by shooting himself in the head while biting down on a poisonous cyanide capsule.
  • Hitler has a suicidal death

    Hitler has a suicidal death
    Hitlers death