Aztec guy

Aztec Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1300

    G-Geographical Info

    G-Geographical Info
    The Aztec empire covered most of nowaday Mexico. Their capital city was located in the middle of a large lake in Mexico, Lake Texcoco. Although this was the capital, the hearth of the Aztec people remained in a valley in Mexico, located in between Tenochtitlan and Teotihuacan.
  • Jan 1, 1325

    S- Society

    S- Society
    In Aztec society family was the most important thing to any man. Marriage was considered almost as sacred as family because it was know as a bond for life. In Aztec society there was three classes of people, The Slave, The Commoner, and The Nobility.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1325 to Jan 1, 1525

    Aztec Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1350

    P- Politics

    P- Politics
    The Aztec Empire was made up of a series of city-states throughout the empire. Each city states was known as a altepetl. Each alteptl had its owm Sumpreme Leader, Sumpreme Judge, and Administrator.
  • Jan 1, 1375

    R- Religion

    R- Religion
    The Aztec were very religious people, they did intense rituals that involved them sacrificing people to the sun god. They belived that if they sacrificed a heart then the sun would come back up.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    I- Itellectual

    I- Itellectual
    The Aztec were not very intelligent on making friends, because all they would do is fight and make enemies. So everyone wanted to attack them and hated them.
  • Jan 1, 1425

    T- Technology

    T- Technology
    The Aztec had very low forms of technology when it came to weapons, their weapons consisted of merly bone, obsidian, and stone. They were the inventors of the color red, using crushed beetles as dye.
  • Jan 1, 1475

    E- Economy

    E- Economy
    At the beginning the Aztec had an easy time managing their economy because they started out as a small economy. Once they became a larger economy they started using crops as a export to gain currency, primarily because most of them were farmers.