Atom Theory Development

  • 1897

    JJ Thompson set out to find out what mysterious light rays were
  • 1910

    New Physical Laboratory opened in Manchester. Rutherford and his students studied the atom
  • Late 1910

    Henry Mosley created the theory that an atom must be empty space but with dense center and concentrated.
  • 1913

    Darwin leaves partnership with Mosley
  • 1914

    Mosley found that each element had a unique x-ray spectrum
  • 1934

    German chemist split Uranium atom by bombarding it with neutrons
  • 1938

    Enrico Fermi fired neutrons at Uranium to find that atom it would lower its atomic number and changing the element.
  • Late 1938

    Nuclear Fission discovered
  • 1941

    Element 94 was found, plutonium. This was kept secret due to word war.
  • Today

    We are still learning about atoms today