American revolution

American revolution

  • Period: to


    This was a movement that was focused mostly on freedom of speech, equality, freedom of press, and religious tolerance. The American and French was inspired from the enlighten this is where their ideas come from.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This act was passed to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies during the seven years war. How the act worked was the colonist had to pay a tax represented by a stamp on different papers, documents, and playing cards. click here
  • Townshed act of 1767

    Townshed act of 1767
    This act was passed to help pay for Britain which taxed goods imported to the American colonies so American colonies discouraged the purchases of British imports. The American colonies felt like this was an abuse of power because when the law was passed there was no representation in parliament for the American colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The colonist were protesting and people were throwing things and a boy hit one of of the British soldiers and he fired his gun. The soldiers captain then told them to fire and they killed 7 colonist this led to the American revolution
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston tea part was a protest led by the sons of liberty because Britain imposed taxation without representation. As a result of that they dumped all the chest of tea that British had imported into the harbor which led to intolerable acts. click here
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    This was passed as a series of laws passed as punishment for the Boston tea party. Colonist colonist responded with a a show of unity by making the first continental congress to discuss and negotiate unified approach to the British.
  • Olive Branch Petition Sent To England

    Olive Branch Petition Sent To England
    This petition drafted by john Dickinson was the last to prevent formal war from being declared. In the petition it was let be known that their loyalty is to the British crown and they let it be known their rights as British citizens.
  • Thomas Pain Sense Published

    Thomas Pain Sense Published
    This is a 47 page pamphlet advertising points n why to fight for independence from great Britain in the American colonies. In this pamphlet it included arguments and valid points on why the colonies should fight for independence.
  • Declaration of Independence Adopted

    Declaration of Independence Adopted
    the declaration of independence was engrossed on parchment and on august 2.1776 the delegates signed it. The 13 colonies removed all their political connections to Britain.
  • Articles of Confederation Created

    Articles of Confederation Created
    This document was adopted by the continental congress as the united states first constitution. These articles established the functions of the government of the united states after they declared independence from Britain. click here
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown

    This was the last major battle of the American revolution. George Washington convinced Clinton that wasn't going to attack Yorktown but he did and it was the the end of British rule because the British surrendered.
  • Treaty of Paris Signed

    Treaty of Paris Signed
    This ended the revolutionary war between great Britain and the united states. The united states was them formally declared as a independent state.
  • Great Promise

    Great Promise
    This was promise in honor of its architects, Connecticut delegates roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth. it provided a dual system of congressional representative where every state has an legislature.
  • Bill of rights

    Bill of rights
    The bills of rights was adopted and made to protect the basic rights of united states citizens. These rights guaranteed freedom of speech, press assembly and exercise to religion.