America 1846-1860

  • Wilmot Proviso

    A plan proposed by PA rep. David Wilmot. The bill proposed the outlawing of slavery in territories acquired by the U.S. from Mexico in the aftermath of the Mexican-American War. Although it wasn't passed it prompted the first talks of secession.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    Senators Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas negotiated a deal to admit California as free state but, would not outlaw slavery in the new territories gained from Mexico.
  • Publishing of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe's fictional account of slavery opened the public's eyes to the horrors of slavery especially in the North.
  • Election of Franklin Pierce

    A Northern Democrat from New Hampshire, Pierce felt that abolishing slavery was a direct threat to the union.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    A series of violent conflicts between settlers in the new Kansas territory and its surroundings over the issue of slavery. Would last until 1859
  • Election of James Buchanan

    A democrat from PA Buchanan would forever be remembered for his mismanaging of the nation in the leadup to the Civil. He was heavily criticized for not stopping the secession of the Southern states
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Democrat Stephen Douglas was challenged for his senate seat by an relatively unknown Abraham Lincoln who had just come off of one term as a state rep and was a lawyer by trade. The two met in seven public debates throughout Illinois to debate the issue of slavery.
  • John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry

    Fanatical abolitionist, John Brown, lead an armed raid at the federal arsenal in Harper's Ferry, VA. Brown hoped to incite a mass slave revolt but, the raid was put down by Robert E. Lee who lead a group of Marines to put down the raid. Brown was executed a little over a month later.
  • Merchant Ship Clotilda

    The ship Clotilda smuggles captured Africans into Alabama and is considered to be last slave ship.
  • Secession of South Carolina from the Union

    South Carolina announces its secession from the Union and is the first state to do so marking an unofficial start to the Civil War. James Buchanan does not stop SC from leaving and is actually quite quiet on the manner.