Plessy v.Ferguson
A man that was one-eighth African American was forced to move to a segregated train car and when he took it to court they ruled it was not violating the Constitution. This lead to segregated schools because they felt as if separate but equal were ok and backed up by the government. In the end children of non white were most affected. -
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
In this case it was a matter of freedom to religion. West Virginia Board of Education made a measure that required all public schools to enforce the Pledge of Allegiance. If not done they could be expelled or taken out of custody of their parents. A group of Jehovah’s Witnesses went to the courts to fight this ruling, as saluting the flag to worship graven images was against their religion. The decision was 6-3 in favor of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, that it was unconstitutional. This impacted all -
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
In this case it was a young girl who grew up wanting thinking she was going to go to the same school as her friends in a interracial neighborhood. When her father took her to school her father found out that it was a “white only” school. This lead to the child to walk six blocks to the bus stop that would take her a mile to her school, passing the “white only” school that was only 7 blocks away from her house. They took it to court and won the case. That “separate but equal” was to not be involv -
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
It was part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 with President John F. Kennedy. It states that from then on it prohibits discrimination on basis of color, race, or national origin against students and employees receiving federal financial assistance. This helped out the problem with discrimination in helping the people that need financial assistance. This was impacted by minorities. -
Education of All Handicapped Children
It was made to give parents the exclusive method to seek remedies for any obstacles in a life of a disabled child. It ensures handicapped children will get one free meal each school day and access to an equal least restrictive education. As long as the school is funded by the U.S. It helped students with mental and physical disabilities. -
Pregnancy Discrimination Act
This act affected all women that were being discriminating against just because of pregnancy. They were the most impacted to not lose a job because of it. The act made sure to give woman a chance to get back on their feet with the maternity leave. Guys also were able to take a parental leave to be there through the child birth as well as spend time with the newborn. This was a good step for gender equality that was being fought for at the time. -
Castañeda v. Pickard
This act started with parents being upset at the fact that a Texas District was discriminating their children, separating them from different classrooms. They won the case and the courts started a program for LEP students. The school would have to make a plan for the student to reach full English potential. Now it affects any child that goes to the public school system that English is not their first language. They have curriculum to help them with their English. -
Plyler v. Doe
The case was filed for the Eastern District of Texas on beheld of certain children of Mexican origin residing in Smith County, Tex. Supreme Court held that even though the children were illegally in the country they were still people. People have a right to an education. This lead to children of alien to have the same rights to an education and the public school system will educate them. Illegal aliens can be of any country. -
Rose v. Council for BetterEducation
The Supreme Court of Kentucky found legislative initiatives for the funding of schools were insufficient to providing the equal educational opportunity to students. They ordered for their to be changed in school funding, which were put into law. This affected all the public school systems. -
Florence County School District IV v. Shannon Carter - See more at: http://www.wrightslaw.com/law/caselaw/Carter_Links_Page.html#sthash.yGkEgBFr.dpuf
Shannon Carter was a young lady with dyslexia and ADHD. She was put in the special education program and according to her IEP; Shannon would fall behind when graduating high school. The parents wanted her in a different program but the school denied. Her parents took her to a private institution for educating kids with learning disabilities like dyslexia. The parents requested to get reimburse for the fees of the private school. The school said no and they took it to the courts, with a 6-0 in fa