Thomas Lincoln married Nancy Hanks
Abraham Lincoln was born
Born in Hodgenville, Kentucky -
Thomas Lincoln moved to north Indiana
Abraham was seven at the time -
Abraham's mother died
Missouri Compromise
Lincoln's sister died
He was 18 at the time. -
Thomas sold the Indiana farm and moved to central Illinois
Lincoln got a job at an old store
The store Lincoln was working at failed and he went on to run for Illinois State Legislature
Lincoln devoted himself to his studies and was a juinor partner for a law office
Lincoln meets Mary Todd
Lincoln is engaged
Lincoln breaks off the engagement
Abraham Lincoln is married
Lincoln won his party's nomination
Lincoln's 1st son Eddie is born
Lincoln took his sear in Congress
Zachary Taylor is elected president
Lincoln's Congressional term ended
Lincoln's son Eddie died
Lincolns 2nd son Willie is born
Lincolns son Tad is born
Warefare had broken out in Kansas
Debate at Ottawa
Lincoln is elected President
Inauguartion Day
McDowell's attack
Lincoln's son Willie died
Northan Democrats launched a peace movement
Battle of Chancellorsville
Battle of Gettysburg
Emancipation Proclaimation
Lincoln is elected a second time
Lincoln dies
A funeral train set out on a sixteed-hundred mile journey to Illinois