A House Divided

  • Period: to

    The Road to Civil War

  • War with Mexico

    War with Mexico
    We got Texas
    Large area of land
    New opportunities
  • Compromise of 1850

    California was a free state
    Divide the Mexican Territory
    Ban slave trade in D.C.
    Another free state
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Enforcement of law drove a wedge between the North and South
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    Loose network of abolitionists
    Helped slaves achieve freedom
    Harriet Tubman
  • KS-NE Act

    KS-NE Act
    Divided Nebraska into two territories
    Opportunity to expand slavery
    Bitter debate, created separation.
  • Republican Party est.

    Republican Party est.
    Direct reaction to KS NE Act
    Antislavery Whigs and Democrats
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Fight over territory between the pro and anti slavery

    Bloodshed and violence
    More division created
  • Sumner-Brooks Incident

    Sumner-Brooks Incident
    Brooks attacked Sumner with a cane after he threw shade at Brooks’ uncle.
    Showed the passion and anger of these people
  • Panic of 1857

    Prices dropped
    Employment rates declined
    Affected North more
    South felt that they were economically superior
  • Pro & Con Literature

    Northern antislavery literature enraged Southerners
  • Lecompton Constitution

    Not supported by settlers
    Pro Slavery Document
  • Dred Scott v Sandford

    Controversial Proslavery decision
    Dred Scott sued for freedom
    Controversy, sides to choose
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Fight for a seat in the Senate
    Freeport Doctrine
    Douglas won but alienated Southern Democrats
  • John Brown’s Raid

    John Brown’s Raid
    Radical abolitionist
    Tried to start a slave revolution and a fire
    Celebrated by North
    Feared by South
  • Election of 1860

    Test of Survival
    Lincoln won, North didn’t need the South