Vincent Le

  • Period: 206 to 220

    China united making it a golden age with the Ham dynasty of its rulers.

    Allpeople the had power replaced the empororsThere were court officials and staff.
  • Period: 220 to

    Siu Dynasty

    This is when a big split happens and where there is a whole buch of trouble.
  • Period: 220 to

    This was a time of chaos and very much split.

    The six dynasties that were included in this were the Qing, Manchu, Later Jin, Kangxi, Yongzheng, and the Guangxu Dynasties were part of this.
  • Period: 230 to 475

    Byzantium and Western Roman Empire

    293: Byzantium named by Roman Emperor Diocletian as a new center of Roman
    Empire with power split between Rome (West) and Byzantium (East) 324: Roman Emperor of East defeated by Roman Emperor of the West, Constantine (first Christian emperor); Byzantium renamed Constantinople & built up by Constantine.
  • 300

    Kingdom of Ghana founed

    first of three great trading Empires of West Africa.
  • 303

    Persecution of Christians 303 A.D.

  • 324

    Constantine 1 defeated Licinius and took over sole rule of empire 324 A.D.

  • 324

    324 C.E.

    Roman Emperor of East defeated by Roman Emperor of the West, Constantine (first Christian emperor); Byzantium renamed Constantinople & built up by Constantine.
  • 330

    Capitol moved from Rome to Constantipole 330 A.D.

  • 445

    Rome sacked by Vandals 445 A.D.

  • 452

    Attila the Hun invaded Italy stayed out of Rome as request of PopeLeo 1 452 A.D.

  • 476

    Fall of Western Rome Empire by invasion of Goths 476 A.D.

  • 476

    476 C.E.

    Constantinople considered capital of Byzantine Empire after Rome falls
  • Period: 476 to

    Byzantine Empire

    476: Constantinople considered capital of Byzantine Empire after Rome falls 527+: Constantinople further built up by Emperor Justinian I (e.g., Hagia Sophia, major Christian church; codification of Roman laws) 565-866 (span): city increasingly Greek in nature 7th to 8th centuries (span): many Arab (Muslim) sieges of city; Byzantine Empire shrunken
  • 527

    527+ C.E.

    Constantinople further built up by Emperor Justinian I (e.g., Hagia Sophia, major Christian church; codification of Roman laws)
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia 537 A.D.

  • 544

    Eastern Empire survived as the Byzantine Empire 544-1453 A.D.

  • Period: 565 to

    565-866 C.E.

    city increasingly Greek in nature
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632


    lays the foundation for the establishment and spread of Islam
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632


    lays the foundation for the establishment and spread of Islam
  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to

    7th to 8th centuries

    many Arab (Muslim) sieges of city; Byzantine Empire shrunken
  • Jan 1, 750

    Muslim use of water power and paper

    Muslims begin using water power for making paper, and constructing canals for transportation and irrigation.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Qur'an goes into print

    Muslim bookmakers begin printing the Qur'an and volumes of poetry and prose. Islam and the Arabic language spread dramatically
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1250

    Islamic Golden Age

    Islamic culture flourishes as the Golden Age of cooperation between Jews and Muslims in medieval Spain promotes creativity in art, literature, and science.
  • Period: Oct 7, 750 to Oct 8, 750

    Qur'an goes into print

    Muslim bookmakers begin printing the Qur'an and volumes of poetry and prose. Islam and the Arabic language spread dramatically
  • Jan 1, 1050

    In China, movable blocks are invented.

    In China, theses movable blocks had some writing on it where they pressed it on a piece of paper and it will show up.
    This image came from:
  • Jan 1, 1054

    The Great Schism

    A schism, a break leads to two separate Christian churches: Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
    This image came from:
  • Jan 1, 1054

    1054 C.E.

    The Great Schism- break between Rome (papacy) and Constantinople (Greek Orthodox)
  • Jan 1, 1065

    Regular civil service exams are began by the song dynasty.

    The reason that civil service exams were in existence was because to find that talents in people so they could work for their rulers.
    This image came from:
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Feudalism starts in England

    William the Conqueror introduces feudalism to England
  • Jan 1, 1076

    Almaravoid takes Ghana

    takes Muslim control of the Capitol.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1291

    A Series of Crusades

    Muslims begin using water power for making paper, and constructing canals for transportation and irrigation.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Jan 1, 1200

    11th and 12th centuries C.E.

    city and empire hurt by Crusades
  • Jan 1, 1203

    Sumanguru ends Ghana

    takes what is left of it and makes it and merges it with Mali.
  • Jan 1, 1204

    1204 C.E.

    city taken by Crusaders
  • Jan 1, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    King John puts his seal to the Magna Carta- the first limit on the King's absolute power is established.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1230 to Jan 1, 1255

    Sundita ruled Mali

    increased trade and army size.
  • Jan 1, 1324

    Mensa Musa makes his Hajj to Mecca

    1st African leaders to do Hajj.
    Brought 50,000 poeple, 30,000 pounds of gold.
    500 hundred slaves each with a four pound gold staff.
    ...put Mali on the map of trade on Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1375

    Mali appears on the European Map

    as a recognized trade partner of the civilized world.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    14th century C.E.

    Byzantine land in Asia taken by Ottoman Turks
  • Period: Jan 1, 1405 to Jan 1, 1433

    The voyages that gained new tribitary trades fro China is The Silk Road Voyages.

  • Jan 1, 1453

    1453 C.E.

    city of Constantinople taken by Ottoman Turks (Mehmet, or Muhammad, II); renamed Istanbul, made capital of Ottoman Empire, and revived as center of learning and religious tolerance.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    The Reconquista

    The Spanish conquer Granada, the last Muslim-held city in Spain, after a centuries-long effort to reassert Christian control there.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1520 to Jan 1, 1566

    1520 to 1566 C.E.

    under Sultan Suleiman I, city at its height
  • Rome reaches its greatest extent

  • I was born.

    On September 1 1998, I was born. The funny thing was that it was labor day. From my memory, my parents told me when I was ten that I was 8 lbs.
  • I got my first dollar.

    When it was New Year, my Aunts and Uncles gave me money and I finally got my first dollar. I was so excited. I didn't know how much that meant to me so I spent it.
  • I learned to ride a bike.

    When I was five years old, my dad tought me how to ride a bike. He showed me how to balance myself and I went from two training wheels to one after a month. I practiced all the timme when I was little. In no time, after a week, I was riding my bike without training wheels. The wind felt some good on my face because I could go really fast. But today, I haven't riden a bike ever since and I forgot how to. But in my childhood, I was the only one out of three kids to learn how to ride a bike.
  • I got my first videogame.

    On this day, my mom bought me a gamecube, which was really popular at 2005. We went to Costco and she got me a Gamecube for my early birthday present. I still have it today and I'm still playing with it.
  • I got my first iPod.

    This day was my birthday. My parents knew that I was wanting an iPod really bad. They bought me and iPod which I treasured so much.
  • I broke my arm.

    I was practicing karate and my master pulled my leg when I was in the air. I landed on my arm and I broke and dislocated it. It was very painful to my ligiments and I couldn't move my fingers.
  • I went on my first cruise.

    On July 9, 2010, my brother had a big karate competition. My parents thought," Hey, we are going to be there anyways so why not go and have fun." They paid for us to go on a cruise. We had lots of fun.
  • Hadrian's wall built in Britian 121-126 A.D.

  • lowercase letters

    The Scholars in Charlemagne's schools begin to write with lowercase letters.
  • 293 C.E.

    Byzantium named by Roman Emperor Diocletian as a new center of Roman
    Empire with power split between Rome (West) and Byzantium (East)
  • Diocletian split empire into four sections ruled by two co-emporors 293 A.D.

  • Empire divided into East and West 395 A.D.

  • The thing that reduces the status of women is foot binding.

  • Gunpowder was invented by the Tang dynasty.

    Gunpowder was tied in small balls and put on fireproof suit and people would run into their enemies with the gunpowder exploding on them while they don't get hurt.
    This image came from:
  • Period: to

    China had it's reunification under the Siu Dynasty.

  • Period: to

    Many discoveries were made under the Tang Dynasty.

    In the Tang Dynasty, people were sorted out into groups like the wealthy, average and the poor. They also had different statuses.
  • Period: to

    This is a period of split and a lot of disorder.

    There were five dynasties and 10 kingdoms involved.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1279

    The Song Dynasty

    This was a time of a big step forward in many areas(advancement). The Song Dynasty is a Meritocracy because the religion Confucianism started to come about. The political system was also slightly changed.
  • Period: to

    Post Byzantine Empire

    9th to 11th centuries (span): glory of city regained under Emperor Basil I; revival of learning (art and literature: older Greek models); major invasion by Turks 1054: The Great Schism- break between Rome (papacy) and Constantinople (Greek Orthodox) 11th and 12th centuries (span): city and empire hurt by Crusades 1204: city taken by Crusaders 14th century (span): Byzantine land in Asia taken by Ottoman Turks 1453: city of Constantinople taken by Ottoman Turks (Mehmet, or Muhammad, II); rena
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1100

    9th to 11th century C.E.

    glory of city regained under Emperor Basil I; revival of learning (art and literature: older Greek models); major invasion by Turks
  • Period: to

    Under the Tang Dynasty, the religion Buddhism expanded.

  • Hadrian ordered building on Pantheon in Rome 130 A.D.