Charles Kingsfor Smith was born to William Charles Smith,and his wife Catherine Mary, née Kingsford. -
Served In Gallipolli
Sapper and served in Gallipoli and, as a dispatch rider, in Egypt and France -
Transferred to the Australian Flying Corps
Commissioned as second lieutenant -
Royal Flying Corps
Earned his wings -
Promotion to Luitent
Moved To Austrlia
Diggers' Aviation Co
HE first worked in Sydeny with the Diggers' Aviation Co. and then as a salaried pilot for Norman Brearley's Western Australian Airways Ltd. -
Married Thelma Eileen Hope Corboy at Marble Bar, Western Australia -
Bristol Tourers
Charles and good freind Keith raised the capital to buy two Bristol Tourers by operating a trucking business from Carnarvon, the Gascoyne Transport Co. -
Round World Journey
Kingsford Smith and Ulm completed a round-Australia circuit in 10 days, 5 hours, a notable achievement with minimal navigational aids -
Charles Ulm
They returned to Sydney to operate with Charles Ulm as Interstate Flying Services -
Historic Crossing
he took off from Oakland, California, on 31 May 1928 and flew via Hawaii and Suva to Brisbane, completing the historic crossing in 83 hours, 38 minutes, of flying time. -
Divored Thelma -
Australian National Airways
Kingsford Smith's airline, Australian National Airways, began operations in January 1930 -
Married (again)
married Mary Powell on 10 December 1930 at Scots Church, Melbourne -
Southern Cross
April 1931 he flew the Southern Cross on an emergency mission to pick up mail for Australia from a damaged Imperial Airways plane in Timor -
Knighted for the service in aviation -
8th November 1935 disappeared over the Andaman sea. 18 months later the plane was found was found but not the body