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Eje cronológico 1ª Evaluación

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    Sistema político y social de Europa antes de la revolución francesa.
    Privilegios para el clero y nobleza: tierras y no impuestos.
    Monarquía absoluta.
    Estamentos: clero, nobles y tercer estado (campesinos y burguesía).

    Born in France in 1689, died in 1755.
    He established the ideas of the division of powers and the ideas which were the inspiration of the declaration of the rights of man before the French Revoltion and the Constitution of the US.

    Born in France in 1694 and died in 1778.
    Writer and philosopher of the Enlightment.
    He wrote satiric works against the king of France and he was in prison "La Bastille". He was exiled in England.
    He defended a monarchy which respected freedom and he was against fanatism and intolerance.
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    Corriente intelectual del siglo XVIII que cuestionó los principios del antiguo régimen.
    Importancia de la razón en todos los ámbitos de la vida.
    Se llega a la felicidad por el conocimiento.
    Importancia de la educación y la enciclopedia.
    Despotismo ilustrado: aplicación de ideas ilustradas a la monarquía.

    Born in Switzerland in 1712, died in France in 1778.
    Writer, philosopher and musician from the Enlightement.
    His ideas influenced the French Revolution.
    Theory: men are good but society corrupts them.
    Theory of social contract: there is an agreement between the people and the power.
    He defended equality and freedom.

    Born in 1723 and died in 1790 in Scotland.
    Economist and philosopher.
    He was incontact with other philosophers of the Enlightment (Diderot, D'Alembert, David Hume).
    His theory: Liberal Economy Doctrine,about men as the basis of wealth. Economy depends on the law of supply and demand.
    He is the father of Political Economy.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    He was an inventor and mechanical engineer.
    He improved the Newcome´s steam engine. He designed a separate condensing chunber for steam engine that prevented enormous losses of steam. Watt began to manufacture steam engines with Boulton: tehy became the most important engineering firm in the country.

    Born in 1743 and died in 1826. He was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He wrote the Declaration of Rights of Virginia and the Declaration of Independency of the US. He was the 3rd president of the country and dedicated his life to the political challenges of his life: pollitical and religious freedom and educational opportunities.

    He was a king in France before the Revolution. He tried to rule with the enlightement ideas but they failed. He tried to make the priviledged classes pay taxes but finally the Assembly took the power and he was judged as a traitor.
    He was executed in the gullotine in 1793.

    Born in 1758 and died in 1794. He was the leader and dictator of France during the second stage of the French Revolution. His time was known as the "terror" because he killed alll the people against the republic.
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    1ª revolución industrial

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    Las 13 colonias entran en conflicto con el Reino unido ya que aunque estaban bajo la autoridad del rey, tenían sus asambleas. El rey Jorge III quiso hacerles pagar impuestos y quedarse con el monopolio del té.
    La tensión política entre el Reino Unido y las colonias americanas concluye con el motín del té.

    Born in 1769 and died in 1821. He became the leader of France during the 3rd stage of the French Revolution with the help of the high burgoisie. He establishe d a Consulate first and later an Empire. He became emperor and controlled all the power. He started an expansionist campaign in Europe and occupied countries like Portugal and Spain. He failed in the occupation of Russia.
  • Motín del té

    Motín del té
    Los colonos tiran el té de los barcos en protesta porque los ingleses querían el monopolio con la compañía inglesa de las indias occidentales.
  • Guerra de Independencia Americana 1775-1783

    Guerra de Independencia Americana 1775-1783
    1783.Colonos liderados por Gorge Washington contra el Reino Unido. Fueron apoyados por Francia y España. Finalizó con la Paz de Versalles en 1783.
  • Declaración de los Derechos de Virginia y de Independencia

    Declaración  de los Derechos de Virginia y de Independencia
    Thomas Jefferson redactó la Declaración de los Derechos de Virginia en 1776 enunciando los principios de soberanía nacional, división de poderes y sufragio.
    El 4 de julio de 1776 los representantes de las 13 colonias se reúnen en el Congreso Continental de Filadelfia.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    He was an inventor and railway engineer. He was the inventor of the "Rocket" , the most famous railway. He was appointed engineer fir the construction of the first public railway between Stockton and Darlington.
  • Paz de Versalles

    Paz de Versalles
    Reino Unido reconoce la independencia de EEUU
  • Aprobación de la Constitución de EEUU

    Aprobación de la Constitución de EEUU
    Se reconoce la soberanía nacional, separación de poderes, sufragio universal masculino.

    First President of the United States.
    Born in Virginia in 1732 and died in 1799.
    During the American Revolution, he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero. He won the battles of Saratoga and Yorktown.
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    Movimiento que surgió en Francia y que terminó con la monarquía absolutista.
  • Toma de la Bastilla

    Toma de la Bastilla
  • Convención girondina

    Convención girondina
    De las revueltas nación la asamblea llamada convención nacional.
  • Convención montañesa

    Convención montañesa
    Los montañeses se hacen con el poder dirigidos por Robespierre con un golpe de estado.
  • Directorio

    Formado por cinco miembros. Se creó un gobierno moderado pero se tuvo que hacer frente a diferentes conspiraciones.
  • Golpe de Estado de Napoleón

    Golpe de Estado de Napoleón
    Apoyado por la alta burguesía da un golpe de estado y estableció el Consulado junto a Ducos y Sieyés.
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    Europa Napoleónica

    Régimen de Napoleón.
    Consulado hasta 1804.
    Imperio desde 1804 a 1815.
  • Derrota en Trafalgar

    Derrota en Trafalgar
    Napoleón es derrotado.
  • Guerra de la Independencia de España

    Guerra de la Independencia de España
    España lucha contra Napoleón por haber sido ocupados al invadir Portugal.

    Born in 1809 and died in 1865. He was the 16th president of the US. He was self educated and became a lawyer. He was the president from 1861 to 1865 during the Civil War. He helped the Afroamerican people get freed from slavery. He was shot while he was in a theatre.
  • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
    He was a French politician and the founder of mutualist philosophy. He was the first person to declare himself an anarchist.
  • Mijaíl Bakunin

    Mijaíl Bakunin
    Russian revolutionary anarchist. Founder of collectivist anarchism. He critised the capitalism and the liberal state and defended the revolution against the state and the creation of egualitarims.
  • Congreso de Viena

    Congreso de Viena
    Las potencias europeas se reúnen para garantizar la paz yevitar revoluciones. Quieren remodelar el mapa europeo anterior a Napoleón.
  • Derrota en Waterloo

    Derrota en Waterloo
    Napoleón es derrotado y deportado a la isla de Santa Elena
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    Tras la derrota de Napoleón las potencias europeas quieren volver al antiguo régimen, volver a las monarquías e intervenir si una monarquía es amenazada. Se crea un sistema de congresos para reuniones de potencias sobre problemas internacionales.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    He was a Revolutionary thinker and socialist philosopher. Marx and Friederich Engels co-authored and asserted "the Communist Manifiesto".
  • Friedrich Engels

    Friedrich Engels
    Marx and Friederich engels co-authored "The communist manifesto". He was a philosopher and communist.
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    Oleadas revolucionarias

    La restauración del antiguo régimen no tuvo éxito y dio lugar a revoluciones.
  • Se reconoce el derecho de asociación en Gran Bretaña.

    Primeros sindicatos (trade unions).
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison
    He was the inventor of the light bulb, the phonograph and the motion picture. He was the most prolific inventor.
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    Unificación italiana

  • AIT : Asociación internacional de trabajadores

    Organizaciones obreras.
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    Unificación de Alemania

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    2ª revolución industrial

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    Migraciones transoceánicas

    Millones de europeos emigraron a otros continentes debido a que las ciudades no tenían capacidad para absorber el éxodo campesino.
  • Primero de mayo

    Fiesta del movimiento obrero.