The Paris Conference and Versailles Treaty
[http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/wwi/89875.htm](<a href='http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/wwi/89875.htm)' >Click Here For More Info</a>The Paris Peace Conference was a meeting discussing the peace after the World War. Since that conference happen four huge nations attened that meeting. -The United States, Great Britan, Italy, and France. They now called themselves the 'Big Four'. That lead on to the Treaty Of Versailles. The Versailles Treaty was the agreements that was discussed at the Paris Conference. -
What Gandhi Did to Help Indian In 1922
Click Here To Know More About Gandhi</a>Gandhi protests aganists the transaval goverment treatment in Indian. He wanted things in the economy to be much better then what it was ,so he had encouraged the indians to boycott the bristish goods. In this help the indians in a good way in 1922 -
"March on Rome" Mussolini forms Fascist Regime`
[http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/mussolini_benito.shtml](<a href='http://http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/mussolini_benito.shtml)' >Click Here For More Info</a>Fascist Party leaders along with Blackshirts(armed squad) planned the march to Rome.The reason for the march was to call upon Mussolini to make a new government.The Fascist Party showed support for Mussolini and the march to Rome turned into the parade for Mussolini as there new prime minister. -
Soviet States form USSR
http://www.answers.com/topic/russian-soviet-federated-socialist-republic-2The Treaty of Creation and Declaration of Creation of theUSSR which formed the union of the soviet socialist republics.The treaty was approved by Russia, SFSR, the Transcaucasion the Ukrainian SSR and theByelorussia SSR.The two documents were designed and signed by important people like Mikhail Kalinin of the head of delegations on December 30, 1922. -
Harding orders U.S troops Home from Germany
[http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=Article&id=139](<a href='http://http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=Article&id=139)' >Click Here For More Info</a>President Wilson declared the americam soldiers to return home at the end of the war.16,000 american men were sent to Germany in a town of Coblenz. 50,000 men lost there lives on the battlefields of Western Europe. They were sent home at the end of war because Wilson annouced for them to return to normal lives after being in war for so long. -
Earthquake in Tokyo
[http://www.fsmitha.com/h2/ch10.htm](<a href='http://http://www.fsmitha.com/h2/ch10.htm)' >Click Here For More Info</a>Tokyo was cut off from the rest of the world and most importantly Japan. Koreans who had come to Jpan to search for jobs were left homeless along with the japanese people. Rumors were spread throughout the city that Koreans were to blame for the fires,and it led the japanese to believe koreans were planning to attack and take over the city.The japanese vigilantes began to have mock trails amoungs any young korean male.The japenese turned againist the chinese and koreans. -
The Beer Hall Putsch
[http://www.fsmitha.com/h2/ch10.htm](<a href='http://http://www.fsmitha.com/h2/ch10.htm)' >Click Here For More Info</a>Hilter was tring to defeat Germanys first president Friedrich Ebert. Hilter wanted his his way and wanted to follow his own rules. They called this the Beer Hall Putsch because Hilter was basically trying to defaet and take over the Berlin government. -
The German Hyperinflation in1923
Find Out More Click HereThe hyperinflation in 1923 was somthing similar to the collapse of the stock marketing by the time november 1923 came, rates icreased. But Then The Business couldnt work fast enough to cash receipts and storekeeprs could not obtain goods. so this made riots and the econmoy was collaping. Then the infation turnd to many cases to the communists. -
The Kellogg Pact
[http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/id/88736.htm](<a href='http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/id/88736.htm)' >Click Here For More Info</a>The Kellogg Pact was an global support to prevent another World War. The Kellogg Pact was sometimes called the Pact of Paris because they made this little discussion in Paris. -
The Collapse of stock market in 1929
See how It Happend click hereCollapse of the stock market in 1929 was terrible. The market increased quickly,Because of the life changing technologies, such as the radio and automoblie. But Then A Sudden crash on Black Tuesday october 29,1929. Why Because canadian stocks lost $5 billion on paper and then the stocks for the 50 leading canadian copainies failed over 50%. this had cause a depression.