Timeline robot

2000-2010 time line

  • 2000 first flashdrive sold in US

    2000 first flashdrive sold in US
    IMB released the first flash drive in the US. It had the ability to store only 8mgs compared to 2021 flash drives have the ability to store 1TB.
  • 2004 Facebook

    2004 Facebook
    In 2004 Mark Zuckerburg launched Facebook and it would change social interaction forever.
  • 2005 YouTube

    2005 YouTube
    In 2005 arguably one of the most useful websites to date was created and "just youtube it" became a house hold saying.
  • 2009 FITBIT tracker

    2009 FITBIT tracker
    FITBIT gave runners the ability to monitor their physically activities closely and conveniently on their wrist.
  • 2010 iPad

    2010 iPad
    Apple released the iPad in 2010 as the company grew more and more each year. Touch screen IOS device allowed users to surf the web, watch movies and so much more.