20 Most Importan Chinese History Dates

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    20 Important Chinese Dates

  • Manchu Nomdas

    Manchu Nomads conquer China : Qing dynasty rules
  • Kangxi Emperor

    1664-1722- Reign of Kangxi emperor in China
  • Ottoman printing press

    First printing press set up in ottoman empire
  • Qianlong emperor

    reingn of Qianlong emperor
  • British embassy to qianlong

    British embassy to qianlong emperor in china
  • Hong Xiuquan

    Hong Xiuquan experiences his third time failing in trying to fix the bible
  • Ottoman treaty

    Ottoman treaty with british removing trade restrictions in the empire
  • Opium War

    1839-1841- Opium war in china
  • Tanzimat

    Tanzimet reforms in the ottoman empire
  • Taiping rebellion

    Taiping rebellion in chinca
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
  • War Against china

    Anglo French War against china
  • Railroads

    First railway begin in Ottoman empire
  • Suez Canal

    opening of the suez canal. britain can now pass through africa into indian ocean
  • Legal Code

    Ottoman legal code reformed
  • Treaty of San Stefano

    Treaty of San Stefano; Ottomans driven from balkans
  • Young Turks Again

    young turks establish a union and progress in paris
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer rebellion and 100 days of reform in china
  • Britain army

    Britain army defeats the mahdist army at omdurman
  • Young Turks

    Young Turks seize power in Istanbul