2.1 European Theater

  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    The Lend Lease was sign by President Franklin D Roosevelt to supply allied forces with vital materials for World War 2.
  • US Enters War

    US Enters War
    On this day, Germany and Italy formed a plan to declare war on the United States and the letter was received by FDR in the White House.
  • D-day

    Also known as Operation Overload and was a two- phase assault, part one being an aerial attack, and the second phase being the actual landing of troops. This was the largest invasion in history
  • Allied Invasion of Italy

    Allied Invasion of Italy
    The United States along with Noway, Canada, UK, France, Denmark tried and succeeded to an allied victory over Italy
  • Frankin D Roosevelt dies

    Frankin D Roosevelt dies
    During WW2, President FDR dies of a stroke; in the mist of the US involved in war, Harry S. Truman stepped in.