Earth pic

#7,Loose,Franklin, History of Eath Timeline

  • 5 BYA- Solar System Formed

    5 BYA- Solar System Formed
    Solar System was a swiriling mass of gas and dust. Most of the material was pulled together by gravity and formed by the sun.
  • 4.6 BYA-Earth Forming

    4.6 BYA-Earth Forming
    Earth began by colliding with space debris.
  • 4 BYA Formation of cellular life, rocks, and crystals

    4 BYA Formation of cellular life, rocks, and crystals
    This dates the largest known rocks and crystals so scientists infer that organice molecules began to accumulate. Types of cellular life such as archea bacteria started to populate the Earth.
  • 3.5 BYA-Fossils

    3.5 BYA-Fossils
    Fossils of stroma tolites which are layered structure made of lynboya.
  • 3 BYA- Forms of Life

    3 BYA- Forms of Life
    Some forms of life started to become photosynthetic.
  • 2.2 BYA- Earth Appearing

    2.2 BYA- Earth Appearing
    Earth appeared as probably appeared as it does today
  • 2 BYA- O2 Levels

    2 BYA- O2 Levels
    O2 levels reavhed today's levels
  • 1.5 BYA- Anaerobic Prokaryote

    1.5 BYA- Anaerobic Prokaryote
    A type of amll anaerobic prokaryote was engulfed by and began to live and reproduce inside of a larger, anaerobic prokaryote
  • 1 BYA- (O3)

    1 BYA- (O3)
    Ozone (O3) formed- protected from harmful UV rays so they could exist on land
  • (1626-1697) Redi's Experiment

    (1626-1697) Redi's Experiment
    People belived that maggots came from raw meat so Redi decided to conduct a experiement to test this rumor. From Redi's experiment he concluded that rotting meat kept away from flies would not produce new flies. He also realizaed that maggots appeared only on meat that was open and rotting.
  • First Microscopes- 17th Century

    First Microscopes- 17th Century
    Starting in the 17th century scientists started to study objects too small to be seen with the unsided eye.
  • Radiometric Dating

    Radiometric Dating
    Radiometric dating is a technique used to date materials
  • (1700-1800) Spallanzani's Experiment

    (1700-1800) Spallanzani's Experiment
    Spallanzani's experiment showed that microorganisms would not contaiminate if it is not exposed to the air.
  • Oparin's Hypothesis (1894-1980) in the 1920's

    Oparin's Hypothesis (1894-1980) in the 1920's
    They believed that the early atmosphere contained ammonia, hydrogen gas, water vapor, and compounds made of hydrogen and carbon, such as methane.
  • (1838-1981) Urey and Miller

    (1838-1981) Urey and Miller
    Stanley L. Miller and his professor Harold C. Urey conducted an experiment that produced a variet of organic compounds including amino acids.
  • (1912-1998) Sidney Fox

    (1912-1998) Sidney Fox
    Fox did research on cell-like structures that form spontaneously in the lab from solutions of simple organic chemicals
  • (1947-) Thomas Cech, Ribosome

    (1947-) Thomas Cech, Ribosome
    Cech found that a type of RNA found in some unicellular eukaryotes can act as a catalyst. He called it a ribozyme.
  • (1938-) Lynn Margulis

    (1938-) Lynn Margulis
    Thought that early prokaryotic cells nay have developed a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • (1800-1900) Pasteur's Experiment

    (1800-1900) Pasteur's Experiment
    Pasteur's experiments with a curved neck flask showed that the air did not contaminate the broth. He found that it was the microorganisms that are carried in the air that causes the contamination.