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Deficit spending
after the 7 years war France was left deeply in debt. costs were riseing, the governmeant was borrowing more money then it was makeing, and taxes were increased. so Louis XVI appointed a financial expert named Jacques Necker as an advisor. Necker suggested that the clergy and nobles should pay taxes as well so Louis dismissed him. -
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the 3rd stage or the revolution
the constitution of 1795 set up a 5 man directory and a 2 house legislature elected by male citizens of property. the directtory held power from 1795 until 1799. peace was made with spain and prussia, but war still continued with austria and britan. in the election of 1797 the supporters of a constitutional monarch won majority of seats in the legislature. politicians turned to napoleon bonaparte, a popular military hero. the polittions planed to use him, but he outwited them to become ruler -
Louis XVI calls the estates general
in the estates general each group was allowed one vote each, this system made the people of the 3rd estate angry because they could always be out voted even though they had more poeple. the 3rd estate wanted to change the system to one body instead of 3 groups. in june 1789 the 3rd estate delcared themselves the national essembly. a few days later the national essembly met and took the tennis court oath -
Storming of the Bastille
in paris when rumors spread that royal troops were going to occupy the captial more than 800 parisians assembeled outside the Bastille. the commander of the Bastile refused to open the gate and opened fire on the crowd. the enraged crowd broke throught the gate they killed the commander and 5 guards and released prisoner, but found no wepons. -
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The National Assembly Acts (part 1)
On August 4th Noblity voted to take away there own privileges such as hunting rights,Special legal status, and exemption from taxes. in late august the declartion of the rights of man was created. this doumeant stated that all french men were born free and remain free and have equal rights. this documeant insisted that governmeant exists to protect the people. in 1791 Olympe De Gouges Demanded equal right for women citizens. Louis XVI did not want to except these reforms. -
Threats from abroad
When Louis XVI failed to escape france the french people assumed he was a just a coward trying to flee the country. in august 1791 the king of prussia and the emperor of austria issued the declaration of Pilnitz which stated that the 2 monarchs threatened to intervene to protect Louis XVI. -
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The National Assembly Acts
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Civil war
in april 1792 war started between the people of the french revoultion and the monarchs of europe. first the legislative assembly dec;ared war on Austria then prussia, britan, and the other states. -
The national assembly acts (part 2)
on october 5 around 6 thousand women marched 13 miles in the rain from paris to versailes because they demanded to see the king. most of the crowds anger was directed at marie antoinette because she lived in extravagancey whiel others suffered. the women forced Louis, Marie, and there son to move to paris. -
Monarchy is abolised
A crowd of parisians stormed the royal palace of Tuileries and killed the kings guards the royal family fled before the mob reached them .a month later citizens attacka prison that held preists and nobles over 1000 where killed.radicals called for a new legislative body called the national convention. the convetion met in september 1792 and they vote to abolish the monarch and establish a republic. the rupublic put louis XVI on trial as a traitor. in january 1793 Louis was beheaded. -
The reign of terror
in early 1793 france was at war with most of europe and the covention was broken into 2 rival group the jacobins and the girondins. to deal with the threats presented to france the convetion creates the public saftey comittee which was made up of 12 members. the comittee had almost absolute power, also they were in charge of exicutions. Robespiierre was jacobin whos selfless dedication to the revoultion earned him the title the incorruptible, but his enemys called him a tyrant. he imbraced -
reign of terror (part 2)
Rousseaus idea of genral will as the source of law. he promoted religeous tolernce and wanted to abolish slavery. he was very populare among the people. he beleaved that the french could achieve a republic of virtue only through terror. robespierre gave a speech on feburary 8 1794 explaining why terror was nessesary to achive there goals.Dr joseph guillotine invented the guillotine which was an instrumeant used for beheaading. on july 27 1794 robespierre was arrested the next day he was beheaded -
Spread of nationalism
revolution gave france ideas of national identity. a strong feeling of pride in there country spread through out france. revolutionaries pushed for soical reforms and religeous tolerance. they set up schools an organized programs to help old soliders and war widows. slavery was also abolished.