Chapter 29

By chythe
  • Congress becomes Republican

    Congress becomes Republican
    Halfway through Truman's first term, the midterm elections gave way to a huge Republican Majority in both houses. This signified a party change in presidencies as well, meaning Truman was not going to be re-elected.
  • First Levitt Town Announced

    First Levitt Town Announced
    Levitt & Sons chose an area known as Island Trees near Hempstead, Long Island as the site for its huge building project after the war. The Company named it Levittown. Levitt's innovation in creating this planned community was to build the houses in the manner of an assembly line. In normal assembly lines, the workers stay stationary and the product moves down the line. In Levitt's homebuilding assembly line, the product (houses) obviously could not move
  • Truman orders an end to segregation

    Truman orders an end to segregation
    President Truman called for a permanent Fair Eemplyment Practices Committee, anti-lynching legislation, and the abolishment of the poll tax.
  • Minimum Wage Raised from 40 to 75 cents

    Minimum Wage Raised from 40 to 75 cents
    The Minimum Wage was raiseed 35 cents in 1949 to compensate for all the consumer goods in America.
  • Gwendalyn Brooks wins Pullitzer prize

    Gwendalyn Brooks wins Pullitzer prize
    Gwendalyn Brooks was the first black woman to receive a Pullitzer Prize.

    The first commercial computer produced in the United States. The first UNIVAC was delivered to the United States Census Bureau on March 31, 1951 and was dedicated on June 14th that year. The fifth machine (built for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission) was used by CBS to predict the result of the 1952 U.S. presidential election. With a sample of 1% of the voting population it predicted Eisenhower's win.
  • See it Now

    Edward R. Murrow's inauguration of his television news show.
  • Golden Arches

    McDonald's chooses the Golden Arches as their logo.