Constitution quill pen

Mr. Boyle's American History Class Timeline

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta Signed

    Magna Carta Signed
    [Link to .org Website on the Magna Carta](
    The Magna Carta was a document designed to take power away from the king and give it to a powerful parliament. King John, ruler of England at this time, was forced to sign this document. This document was thought to be the beginning of a constitutional government in England. Because it was the start for the British, it was used as, "guidlines," for our constitution.
  • Mayflower Compact Signed

    Mayflower Compact Signed
    Wesite Used
    The Mayflower agrreement was written by the settlers who arrived at Plymouth on the ship the Mayflower. It was a list of fair and equal laws in which all of the adult male passengers agreed to and signed. It was the fisrt set of written laws for the New World and established the colony by setting up a new government free of English rule.
  • Formation of the New England Confederation

    Formation of the New England Confederation
    [Informative Link](
    The New England Confederation was made because of many threats to New England and not having very good military coordination. Representatives came up with twelve Articles of Confederation. Commissioners were given the power to settle dipuits and even declare defensive or offensive in a war. The purpose of this was to coordinate the defence and teh settlement of boundary dipuits but was terminated by 1664.
  • Articles of Confederation Signed

    Articles of Confederation Signed
    Information About the Articles Of Confederation
    On this day in history the articles were approved of and signed. They were between the governments of the plantations of Massachusetts, New Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven. They became the United Colonies of New England with the articles. (For more information, the the Formation of the New England Confederation.)
  • The French and Indian War Begins

    The French and Indian War Begins
    The French and Idian War was fought between England and France over who controled land in America but was actually fought between the Colonist, teh French, and teh Indians. It started when George Washington damanded teh French leave their territory and after their quams with the French stopped, teh Indians fought on.
  • Albany Plan of Union Announced

    Albany Plan of Union Announced
    [Website With Information](
    It was originally thought of by Benjamin Franklin who drew the cartoon appearing here. The plan was to put the colonies under a more centralized government. The plan was never actually carried out but it was an important milestone becasue it made people realise that they needed the colonies to act as a whole with one government.
  • Treaty of Paris (1763)

    Treaty of Paris (1763)
    The Treaty of Paris was the terms that the France had to deal with after they lost teh French and Idian was, or the Seven Years war. The English were very harsh on France and one of the main punishments was that all the territory that France had gained on North America was lost.
  • Royal Proclamation (1763)

    Royal Proclamation (1763)
    The Royal proclamation forbade settlrs from going across a border drawn by the king. The border was basically down the Appalachian Mountains. The knig wanted to create an empire in North America and establish trade, settlement, and land purchaces.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Parliament passed another, but modified, sugar act becasue the old one was about to expire. All said and done, the tax was cheaper but the colonists still didn't really like this whole taxation without representation thing.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was made by parliament and directed at the colonies. Like teh Sugar Act, the stamp act was relatively small but it was put into effect without the consent of the colonists (to raise money in teh colonies for Britain).
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The stamp act congress was held in New York. It was the colonists responding to the Stamp Act itself laid out by congress. They didn't want to be taxed without representation so they set this up. In teh end it was really a complete failure and people just ended up buycotting things and whatnot.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts were from Britain to punish the colonists. Mostly, the acts were taken out on Massachusetts or, in particular, Boston fo rtheir increadible misbehavior. A lot of them were very ridiculous and txed many items like tea, glass, and paint. The colonists didn't react very well to these acts.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre wasn't really a masacre as so many believe. On five people were killed and they weren't entirely innocent. (The mob that they were a part of was taunting teh British and throwing snowballs with rocks in them.) It was a very important event in history though, because it ended up being used a propaganda and a huge cause for freedom.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    After the British made the colonists buy tea from the East Inia Companyand teh colonists were already fed up with them about the Townshend Acts, the Sons of liberty took action. This meant dressing up as Indians and dumping 15,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor. How's that for rebellion?
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    It was held in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia until October 26, 1774. The delegates discussed solutions to teh Intolerable Acts and really started thinking about independence. They also agreed to meet again the next may to discuss progress on the situation.
  • Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty"

    Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty"
    This quote is form a speesh that Patrick Henry made at the Virginia Convention. It was made to try and pass a resolution in bringing the Virginian Troops to the war which it is credited as doing so. The speech was so good, it was published and ended with the famous words, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere is technically a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow about the infamous ride in history. Paul Revere's ride is know for warning people everywhere how the regulars were coming and that they were coming now. It was not just Paul Revere who rode though, it was also a trip made by William Dawes as well.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    After Paul Revere's infamous midnight ride, quickly came the battles of Lexington and Concord. They were the first battles of the revolutionary war itself and proved that knowing the land was a huge advantage.
  • The Second Continental Congress Meets

    The Second Continental Congress Meets
    After Lexington and Concord, things changed greatly, this was a full blown war. At th esecond continental congress, it was agreed that a continental army would be created and that George Washington would be the supreme commander. (Eventhough many people still weren't seeking independence, they had to admit they were in a war and that they had to do somethinng about it.)
  • Fort Tichonderoga

    Fort Tichonderoga
    On may 10th, a group of rebels captured for tTchonderoga from the British. They then used their cannons to fortify teh area around Boston (and this caused the British to evacuate).
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Colonists went to Breed's hill and treche dtehmselves there and surprised the British the next morning. The British thought that the Americans would end up fleeing in an attack but they didn't and tons of British were killed and more wounded.
  • "Common Sense" Published

    "Common Sense" Published
    "Common Sense" was written by Thomas Paine. It opposed British athority and rule and used "common" language because he was talking to the common people in America. He basically was telling them that he thought it would be best if they were independent.
  • British Evacuate Boston

    British Evacuate Boston
    The British evacuate Boston and move their Navy to Halifax Canada becasue of George Washington's fortifications on Dochester Heights.The American's seiged the city and the British couldn't take it so tehy evacuated.
  • Deaclaration of Independence Announced

    Deaclaration of Independence Announced
    From July 1st to teh 4th, congress debated and made the officilal doument but then it was printed on July 6th. It was first read to the public, or announced, on July 8th in Philadelphia.
  • "The Crisis" Published

    "The Crisis" Published
    Thomas Paine wrote "The Crisis" to bring all of the colonists rebels or partiots together. It was meant to inspire them to keep fighting and it did a darn good job at that.
  • Washington Captures Trenton

    Washington Captures Trenton
    On Christmas night, Washington crossed the Delaware to surprise the Hessians the next morning. Becasue they surprised them by attacking on a religious holiday, they were able to win.
  • British Defend at Saratoga

    British Defend at Saratoga
    On this day, the British finally lost on the second battle of Freeman's Farm, NY. It was a huge turning point in the war.
  • Winter at Valley Forge, PA

    Winter at Valley Forge, PA
    Valley Forge was not actually a battle as so many believe. It was just a period of training for the Continental Army. They trained in traditional warfare style and became much more organized and well trained.
  • John Paul Jones Defeats the Serapis

    John Paul Jones Defeats the Serapis
    John Paul Jones, aboard of the Bonhomme Richard, captures the British man-of-war Serapis near the coast of England. Him and his crew lead and exciting and taunting battle againt the British crew.
  • Benedict Arnolds Plans are Found Out

    Benedict Arnolds Plans are Found Out
    Benedict Arnold was a traitor and gave a lot of information to the British. On thsi day, this was found out but unfortunately the little rat escaped to England.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders

    Cornwallis Surrenders
    On this day, Lord Cornwallis surrendered to the colonists. After a long month of being sieged, he ended the battling in the revolution just like that (it was the last battle).
  • Newburgh Conspiracy

    Newburgh Conspiracy
    Newburgh Conspiracy Link
    It was created when George Washington was facing a serious threat to his authority and to the civil government of the new nation. At this time, the continental army was restless awaitng pay and provisions. Then, Washington had to adress his soldiers about and annonymous conspiracy that they were using the army against civil authority.
  • The Treaty of Paris (1783) Signed

    The Treaty of Paris (1783) Signed
    Website for Information
    The reaty was signed by the American Colonies and Great Britain and it formally ended the Revolutionary War. It also made the United States of America recognised as an independant nation. It was given the name "The Treaty of Paris" becasue that is where it was signed. It was signed there becasue the war did not only involve those two main countries bu the Netherlands, Spain, and France as well.
  • Spain Closes the Mississippi River

    Spain Closes the Mississippi River
    Mississippi Control Link
    The Spanish government was uneasy about the growth of the American West and they wanted (part of) it. One of the things that Spain was particularily interested in was who could conrtol the navigation of the Mississippi river. To keep the west from growing without Spain, they instructed a captain-general to take control of the river.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    Land Ordinance Information
    Congress wanted to administer the new national domain so they laid out the the foundation of the American Lands policy through the Land Ordinance. This basically said what they controled an how they controled it. It kept everything in order.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Annapolis Convention
    Annapolis Convention Informative Link
    It started on the 11th but went until the 14th. It's official name was: A Meeting of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government. It was to cahnge the barriers that limited trade or commerce between independent states. Unfortunately, they decided there were not enough representatives there so they decided to hold a similar meeting the next May.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's Rebellion .edu
    It's hard to find when Shay's rebellion really started but I found that the last battle took place on this date (I have a picture to prove it). It was led by a former revolutionary captain. He was now a farmer and was unhappy becasue farms were going bankrupt due to not being able to pay taxes. This led ot the Articles of Confederation being trashed and the Constituion being written.
  • Constituional Convention Opens

    Constituional Convention Opens
    Constituional Convention Innformative Link
    The purpose of the Constituional Convention was to set up a new structure of government. They had to decide how to regulate the economy, currency, and national defence. They also had to set up laws and rights for the people. They realized that a huge compromise would have to be made.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    Northwest Ordinance Link
    It established a government for the northwest territory. It also gave details for admitting a new state to the Union, and made sure that newly created states would be equal. It protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery (in new territories) too
  • Ordinance of Religious Freedom

    Ordinance of Religious Freedom
    Ordinance of Religion Link
    The ordinance is known for setting the example of what the states should and would become. It excluded slavery from the first territory but is really known for giving the people religious freedom. It set the stage for other parts of the country.
  • The Great Compromise Was Agreed To

    The Great Compromise Was Agreed To
    The Great Compromise Link
    The Great Compromise was a compromise between the the three plans purposed at the Constituional Convention. The were the Virginia Plan, the New Jersey Plan, and the Hamilton Plan. The compromise gave each state two senators, made slaves equal to 3/5 of a person, and was formally signed on the 17th.
  • Constitutiopn Sent to the States for Ratification

    Constitutiopn Sent to the States for Ratification
    Ratification Information
    By then everythign was agreed upon by the people there but had not been agreed upon by the states so it was sent out then. It took a long time to get a popular vote but eventually, they got it.
  • Anti-Federalist Articles Appear

    Anti-Federalist Articles Appear
    Anti-Fedarlist Papers Information
    During the time of the Constitution ratification, there was a lot of intense debate in which many people used the press to express there ideas. There were many anti-federalist papers expressing their opinions but the fisrt one published was the Centinal. This talked about responsibility and check and directly apposed teh federalists.
  • Federalist Papers Appear

    Federalist Papers Appear
    Papers Information
    Teh Federalist papers appeared after the anti-federalist ones and challenged them. They were more orderly in teh fact that the Federalist paper was one paper titled the Federalist. It got it own ideas out and was supported by many.
  • Delaware Ratifies

    Delaware Ratifies
    Delaware InformationDelaware the the first state to ratify teh constitution. This itself was important. It gave the constitution the first push to get its support started. It made the entire thing seem much more real becasue it was unanimous vote. This made it seem even more possible.
  • Massachusetts Ratifies Constitution

    Massachusetts Ratifies Constitution
    Massachusetts was not just important because they ratified the constitution bu they were important becasue their debates were very detailed and talked about ideas for the future. They had the recomendation of the Bill of Rights which helped other states agree to ratifying the Constitution.
  • New Hampshire Ratifies the Constitution

    New Hampshire Ratifies the Constitution
    New Hampshire Ratification Link
    When New Hampshire the constitution, it was a day to be marked down in history. It was important, because when New Hampshire ratified the Constitution, they met the minimum required for ratification and the Constitution would go on to be.
  • Congress Meets for the FIrst Time

    Congress Meets for the FIrst Time
    First Constitution Information
    After the first election, the first congress was held. At the first congress, they solved a lot of the problems left from the Constitutional Convention. The decided the rules, the roles of, and the procedures of each branch. They also came up with oaths of reveryone involved in the government. It was maybe the most important congress meeting.
  • George Washington is Elected President

    George Washington is Elected President
    The First Presidential Election Link
    The first election was simply: whoever got the most votes became the president and whoever got the second most votes became the vice-president. The Constitution gave each state their own way of choosing their electors. John Adams became the presiden tof the senate and George Washington became the first president.
  • Bill of Rights Sent to the States for Ratification

    Bill of Rights Sent to the States for Ratification
    Bill of Rights .gov
    The Bill of Rights was James Madison's proposed ideas to amend the Constitution. The origianl three through twelve were the only ones originally kept and they became the first ten amendments. The amendments gave rights and libertes.
  • Bill of Rights Ratified

    Bill of Rights Ratified
    More Bill of Rights Information
    Even though twelve amendments were originaly thought of, only ten actually became the first originals. They gave the citizend rights in the newly established government. On this day, they had finally been ratified and put into acton.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Written

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Written
    Link Yeah
    They were written by James Madison because of the Alien and Sedition Acts. Tehy said that they couldn't get rid of any powers that weren't given to thenm in the constitution.
  • Hartford Convention Meets During War of 1812

    Hartford Convention Meets During War of 1812
    Another Link Yeah
    The Hartford Convention happened because people weren't happy with the war (of 1812). They talked a lot about the Loiusiana Purchase and the three-fifths compromise.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Link Woohoo
    The Missouri compromise's purpose was to keep the peace between slave states and free states. It ended up making the 30'60 line (to stop the spread of slavery) and it allowed Maine and Missouri to be added to each side.
  • Tariff of Abominations Passed

    Tariff of Abominations Passed
    Link, it's so Awesome
    It was created to help struggling buisnessmen in the north. Unfortunately, one of its side effects was increasing the price of imported goods. The south did not benefit from this so they wanted it nullified.
  • South Carolina Tries to Nullify

    South Carolina Tries to Nullify
    Different Link Oooh, Aaah
    South Carolina was having a hard time because they couldn't handle the tax (Tariff of Abominations). They said that the Tariff was unconstitutional so they made a Nullification Ordinance and they just repealed when it was threatened.
  • Abolition of Slavery Act (1833)

    Abolition of Slavery Act (1833)
    It was passed in the UK by Parliamnet. It was made ot get rid of all slavery in Europe.
  • Texas Declares Independence Form Mexico

    Texas Declares Independence Form Mexico
    Texas had just been independent form everyone (especially Mexico) but they joined the Union also with the Texas Declaration of Independence adn were much happier with everything after.
  • James K. Polk Elected

    James K. Polk Elected
    Polk Link of Awesome
    He was the eleventh president of the U.S. He did a lot to spread out to the west and was president during the Mexican War.
    (For more information on Polk, view the posted about him on my glorious blog.)
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    More Link-ness
    "Manifest destiny" led the Americans to the west and gave them teh idea of taking land form Mexico. There was fighting that which the Americans won and the U.S. gained some new land.
  • Wilmont Proviso

    Wilmont Proviso
    Link of Amazing
    He was a democrat and believed slavery shouldn't soread to any land won in the Mexican War. He put the Proviso together (which had this idea) but it didn't end up passing.
  • California Enters teh Union

    California Enters teh Union
    Caifornia became a state during the 1850 compromise. It entered the Union as a free state.
  • Fugative Slave Law Enacted

    Fugative Slave Law Enacted
    Fugative Link-ness
    It was passed as part of the 1850 Compromise. It said that if a slave was found in the north, they could be brought back down to the south without any form of trial. It was completely unfair because even if they were just accused of being and escaped slave, they couldn't defend themselves and would have to go.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    LINK's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin because she had seen slavery in action and wanted to prove to people (especially neutral notherners) how bad it was. It turned a lot of people to anti-slavery.
  • Kansas -Nebraska Act Passed

    Kansas -Nebraska Act Passed
    LINK Passed
    It was forme3d when Kansas and Nebraska wanted to enter the Union. Popular Sovereinghty was used to determine whether or not it would be a slave stae or a free state. This didn't really work though because people from the south tried to swing the vote by going and voting in the state themselves.
  • "Border Ruffians" Attack Lawrence (5/21/1856)

    "Border Ruffians" Attack Lawrence (5/21/1856)
    Ruff Link
    The "Boder Ruffians" were a group of a buch of pro-slavery people form Missouri. They voted illegally (popular sovreignty adn the Kansas-Nebraska Act) and Attacked free places like Lawrence.
  • CHarles Sumner Attacked

    CHarles Sumner Attacked
    Scary Link
    He was attacked by Preston Brooks. Brooks said he apposed southerners and openly attaked him by beating him with a metal can in the Hall of Congress.
  • Pottawatomie Creek (5/24/1856)

    Pottawatomie Creek (5/24/1856)
    Massacred LINK
    John Brown and a group of others murdered five people alonng the creek (the Pottawatomie Massacre). Th efive dea had supported slavery so instantly ideas sprang up and guerilla warfare started in Kansas.
  • Formation of the Republican Party

    Formation of the Republican Party
    LINK Formed
    It was formed because of teh Kansas-Nebraska act. It was made to represent northern ideas and beliefs.
  • Dred Scott Descision Announced

    Dred Scott Descision Announced
    Dred LINK
    Dred Scott basically wanted to sue his master for keeping him as a slave whilst in a free territory but the judge ended up saying that blacks were property and therefor didn't have the right to sue. He lost teh case but it will forever be known to the world.
  • Lecompton Constitution Passed

    Lecompton Constitution Passed
    It was written by people who were pro-slavery. People didn't like it much because it was pro-slavery, didn't let blacks live in Kansas, and allowed only adult, white, male citizens to vote.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    LINKoln Vs. Douglas
    There were seven dbates during the election of 1858. They were between Douglas and Lincoln. Lincoln didn't want slavery to spread and Douglass wanted popular sovreignty
  • Raid at Harper's Ferry

    Raid at Harper's Ferry
    Link Attack!
    John Brown lead an attack to take the armory and free slaves at Harper's Ferry. Quickly, his group was cornered and he was tried and found guilty. He was an inspiration for his cause but perhaps he could have done something to support it in a more pleasnat way.
  • Formation of the Constitutional Union Party

    Formation of the Constitutional Union Party
    Party Link
    It was formed with the split betweene the north and south and othe rparties. It was the forth party formed. It was formed by southereners who really just wanted the U.S. to stay together. There candidate was John Bell.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The south definitley didn't like Lincoln because he was for containing slavery but nobody really likes Douglas because they couldn't find out what he really stood for. This lead the souith to be divided into a bunch of different parties and the north being united with Lincoln. This let Lincoln win the election.
  • Democrats Split in 1860

    Democrats Split in 1860
    It split into the northern and southern democrats in 1860. It was over the issues of slavery and presidential candidates. The northern democrats wanted Douglas and the southern democrats wanted Beckenridge.
  • Abraham Lincoln Announces Plans for Reconstruction

    Abraham Lincoln Announces Plans for Reconstruction
    Abe LINKoln
    Abe really wanted the south to fit back into America just fine because he truely believed that they hadn't left in the first place--they were simply in rebellion. He even came up with the Ten Percent Plan whcih would really benefit them more than the north even.
  • Wade-Davis Bill Receives Pocket Veto

    Wade-Davis Bill Receives Pocket Veto
    It was written by tow republicans who didn't like the Ten Percent Plan. They thought the south was completely to blame and Abe ended up vetoing the bill.
  • Lincoln Re-Elceted President

    Lincoln Re-Elceted President
    More LINKoln
    It was in the middle of the civil war so none of the Confederate states voted. He won and Andrew Johnson became his vice president.
  • "Jim Crow" Enters the American Cultural Language

    "Jim Crow" Enters the American Cultural Language
    Click Here
    They allowed segregation between blacks and whites and even outlawed contact between the two in public areas. It made them socially unequal.
  • Formation of the Freedman's Bureau

    Formation of the Freedman's Bureau
    It was created to ease former slaves into normal American life. Started under Lincoln and continued with Johnson.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    LINKoln... Tear...
    John Wilkes Booth shot him during his viewing of, "Our American Cousin" when the laughter was at it's highpoint. He might have gotten away with it too if it weren't for his meddling broken ankle.
  • President Andrew Johnson Announces Plans for Reconstructioin

    President Andrew Johnson Announces Plans for Reconstructioin
    Not LINKoln
    After Lincoln was assassinated, he became president and he was a southern democrat so he wnated to favor the south. The republicans impeached him however.
  • Black Codes Created in Mississippi

    Black Codes Created in Mississippi
    Limited the blacks after the Civil War. Later on blacks had to be given more equality through the Civil Rights Act.
  • Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment

    Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment
    It changed the original constitution and made slavery illegal. It let all slaves free (on paper).
  • Ku Klux Klan Created

    Ku Klux Klan Created
    Scary Link
    It was created by a bunch of former confederates who were really hating how everything was going. They used violence and fear to try and get what they wanted and promote their ideas.
  • Civil Rights Act (1866) Enacted

    Civil Rights Act (1866) Enacted
    Acting Link
    It was created to protect blacks' rights. At first, it was vetoed by Johnson but eventually it was put into action.
  • President Andrew Johnson Impeachced

    President Andrew Johnson Impeachced
    Th erepublicans made a trap to remove him from office and he knowingly fell into it. He ended up keeping his position by one vote though.
  • Ulysses S. Grant Elected President

    Ulysses S. Grant Elected President
    U. S. LINK
    He was popular with the republicans and won against the southern democrats therefore keeping the republicans in office.
  • Ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment

    Ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment
    It made it illegal to not vote because of reace or former servitude. This was not well excepted for a long while.
  • Ku Klux Klan Act Enacted

    Ku Klux Klan Act Enacted
    It was created to stop the terrorism of the KKK. It said that you couldn't use violence o rfear to prevent former slaves from voting.
  • Hiram Revels Elected to Senate

    Hiram Revels Elected to Senate
    He was a minister and politician who represented Mississippi. He was the first black to serve in Congress.
  • Freedman's Bureau Abolished

    Freedman's Bureau Abolished
    A lot of people thought that the Freedman's Bureau was unconstitutional so it was abolished.
  • Civil Rights Act (1875) Passed

    Civil Rights Act (1875) Passed
    More Info!
    Gave blacks equal treatment in public places but it was eventually decided unconstitutional.
  • Reconstruction Acts Enacted

    Reconstruction Acts Enacted
    They wanted to put government back into the previously rebellious states. Those states had to ratify the 14th Amendment, swear and oath, and allow for division.
  • Rutherford B. Hayes Elected President

    Rutherford B. Hayes Elected President
    Republican who was expected to lose to Tilden. He won by one elcetoral vote to become the next president.
  • Last National Troops Leave South Carolina

    Last National Troops Leave South Carolina
    More Please!
    When Hayes was elected, they left as part of a compromise.
  • Ratification of the 14th Amendment

    Ratification of the 14th Amendment
    Learn More!
    Gave blacks the smae rights as whites (on paper). Didn't really wor that way though.
  • Civil Rights Act Overturned (1883)

    Civil Rights Act Overturned (1883)
    It was determined unconstitutional by examples of blacks still being able to discriminate against whites and all that was really necissary were the 13th an d14th Amendments.
  • Florida Requires Segregation in Places of Public Accommodation

    Florida Requires Segregation in Places of Public Accommodation
    [Learn More!](http:/
    Florida required sgregation in public places. They thought if everything was the same, then it didn't male a difference if they were separate.
  • Case of Plessy v. Ferguson

    Case of Plessy v. Ferguson
    Yeah, Knowledge!
    A black man named Plessy bought a first class ticket and sat in the first class white cars because he thought it would be equal and it started this whole thing.