Nazi's Invade Poland
WWII Begins -
Period: to
Fall of France to Germany
Battle of Britain Begins
United States passes Neutrality Act
Roosevelt's "Arsenal of Democracy" Speech
Roosevelt signs Lend-Lease Act
Roosevelt suspends relationships with Japan
Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter
Office if Price Administration created
German Submarines fire on US Destroyer Greer
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
US and Britain Declare war on Japan
Germany declares war on US
National War Labor Board reestablished
War Production Board established
Japanese Americans in US sent to relocation centers
Battle of Midway
Mass murder of Jews by gassing begins at Auschwitz
Battle of Atlantic
D-day Landings
GI Bill of Rights Passed
Battle of the Bulge
Korematsu v. United States decided
Yalta Conference
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of Okinawa
Roosevelt dies; Truman becomes president
First Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima