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World War Two

  • Treaty of Versialles

    Treaty of Versialles
    After Germany's side lost world war one, they were forced to sign this document, which gave away almost all of their power and made it so that they could not form an army.
  • Hitler voted to power in Germany

    Hitler voted to power in Germany
    Although Hitler was already the Chancellor of Germany, in a consolidation of power he became the president as well, which gave him more control over political and war driven operations.
  • Hitlers Olympics

    Hitlers Olympics
    The war had not yet begun, but tensions were high as the Olympics began. Jesse Owens had a decisive victory in the 100 meter dash, and his salute to America instead of hail to Hitler was a sign of American resolve.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Poland, the neighboring country to Germany, was the first to go as the German invasion was the official start of the war. As soon as they started to attack, allied powers officially declared was and WW2 began.
  • Operation Dunkirk

    Operation Dunkirk
    The Germans were winning some brutal trench warfare located in France, and something had to be done to save the remaining troops. Operation Dunkirk evacuated hundreds of thousands of British and French troops to England and saved many lives.
  • Tripartite Pact Signed

    Tripartite Pact Signed
    This was the formal start of an alliance of the axis powers, consisting of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  • Gas Chambers Introduced in Auschwitz

    Gas Chambers Introduced in Auschwitz
    In the creation of these gas chambers, there was experimentation on the people who were confined there. Over 850 people were killed from the third to the fifth of September, and after said tests, they found that these chambers could kill hundreds at once. Soon after this they were implemented into Nazi death camps and used for the execution of prisoners of war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese, part of the Axis powers, decided to attack a large part of America's military. They went after pearl harbor on Oahu, and the attack prompted Americas entry into the war. America retaliated the next day and was a integral part of the Allies winning the war.
  • Japanese Americans Sent to Internment Camps

    Japanese Americans Sent to Internment Camps
    At this time, America took 120,000 Japanese Americans and put them into these working camps with harsh living conditions. Many of these people were registered US citizens, and the Americans thought that the Japanese may attempt to help their ancestral country by hurting the Americans.
  • D-Day

    The land, sea, and air operations of the United States came together on the beaches of Normandy to attempt to fight off the Germans invasion of France. Over 4,000 American troops and a larger number of German troops died on what was the bloodiest day in american history.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    Iwo Jima is an island in the pacific ocean that a major battle between the Americas and Japanese occurred. It was a victory for the Americans, and one step closer to winning the war. The flag raise at the conclusion of the battle was a signal of hope to soldiers fighting in the war and Americans in general.
  • Dropping of Atomic Bombs on Japan

    Dropping of Atomic Bombs on Japan
    The first of two atomic bombs deployed by america dropped on the city of hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and after a second dropped on the city of Nagasaki, Japan agreed to unconditional surrender and ended the war.
  • Axis Powers Surrender

    Axis Powers Surrender
    Of all three axis powers, the first of them to surrender was on September 8, 1943. The germans followed suit on May 7, 1945, and the Japanese, who were the last to give in, finally caved later in the year.