World War II events

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    In the 1930's Japan was determined to expand. They has controlled part of Korea at the time and also had used the Manchurian railway. It was said that thr Chinese soldiers had sabotaged the railways. This upset the Japanese and they attacked the Chinese army and invaded Manchuria. This is historically signifncant because it went against the League of nations. This casued respect for Japan to decrease.
  • Hitler renounces the treaty of Versailles

    This is historically significant because Hitler blames the treaty for starting WWII and begins to use his Nazi military even more. This caused many invasions. Hitler stopped paying the provisions as well because he didn't becliefve they were right, also with the Great Depression.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Itay invaded Ethiopia. They used pilots are bombed defensless cities with their mighly mechanized army. They also used poisinous gases against Ethiopia, who was less developed and only had riffles. This is historically signifncant becsue it went aginst the League of Nations.
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  • Germany reoccupies the Rhineland

    Germany reoccupies the Rhineland
    The rhineland was occupied by the French soldiers after WWI. Hitler ordered the German troops to march in an reoccupy the land . This is historically signifncant because power and land were gained, even after the limitation Germany had in the Treaty of Versaille.
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  • Spanish Civil war starts

    This is historucally significant because Hitler and Mousalini interveened in the war in hopes that they would form and allie. Although their fascist and military skills helped Franco win and become dictatro an alliance wasn't created.
  • Franco becomes the dictator of Spain

    Franco becomes the dictator of Spain
    Franso becomes the dictator of Spain. He was helped by Hitler and Moussolini to gain power. Their fascist , military helped Franco to deystroy the elected republicain government and gain power. This is historically signifncant becasue didn't join Hitler or Moussolini in the global wasr even after their help.
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  • Rome-Berlin Axis pact

    Rome-Berlin Axis pact
    This was directed to communist activities. They promised to keep eachother informed about activities a\of the communists and to provide defense for one another. This is historically signinficant becasue Germany and Italy created this pact which helped the communist powers.
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  • Anschluss in Austria

    Anschluss in Austria
    This happens from march 11th to the 13th. Germany and Austria joined together. Hitler had claimed that he was unitinf as German speaking countries in order to made a greater Germany. This is historically significant becasue Germany began to gain more power.
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  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    This was between France, Italy, Nazi Germany and Britian. After Germany had invaded Sudentenland in Czechoslavakia he signed a promise to not use his military in the future for the land taken. This is historically signinfncant because in 1939 hitler invades the rest of Czechoslavakia anyways.
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  • Britian signs a pact with poland

    Britian signs a pact with poland for mutual assistance if a European power attacked either one, then the other would provide support and militsry assistance. This is historically significnat beacsue when when Germany attacked poland Britain didn't help. But they did declare war.
  • Spanish Civil war ends

  • Nazi-soviet Nonagression pact is signed

    Nazi-soviet Nonagression pact is signed
    Becasue Hitler didn't want another 2 front war, like Worl War I. By signing the pact it made Germany and Russia neutral between eachother and they both shared land in Poland. This is historically significnat becasue Hitler wanted to gain land for a Germanic master race(the aryans)
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  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland, they fought both on land and from the air. Germany wanted to gain lost territory and take over poland. this is historically significant becsue it is the spark of the War.
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  • Britain and France declares war on Germany

    Britain and France declares war on Germany
    This is the respone Britain has when Germnay invades Poland.France is ready to back Britian up. This is historically significant because it added to the beginning chaos of the war.
  • Hitler invades France

    Hitler invaded France as a response to the decleration of war. This is historically signifncant becasue France surrendered when they realized that they couldn't hold off the Germans.
  • Battle of Britain starts

    Battle of Britain starts
    During the Battle of Britain Hitler used air carriers, bombs and explosives which greatly damaged Britain. The night bombings in London and other industrial cities ecspecially hurt many people ,land and the industries. This shows the German power and dominance at the time.
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  • The Battle of Britain ends

    the battle ends.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    The Nazi Germans attacked the USSR. This breaks the Nazi-soviet Nonaggression pact. This is historically signifncant becauseit eventually led to invasion of Nazi Germnay and added the USSR to the war.This was known as the begging of the end of Hitler.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The japanese bombed pearl harbor. After the first japanese planese came the japanese bombed the American facilities. This caused many casualties and destruction. This is historically significant because it casued the US to join the war.
  • Battle of Coral Sea starts

    Battle of Coral Sea starts
    This was a major naval battle between the Japanese
    Navy and the Allied navy and airforces from the U.S. and Austrialia. This was one of the first naval battles in the Pacific. This was fought 6 months after pearl harbor.
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  • Start of the Battle of Stalingrad

    Start of the Battle of Stalingrad
    This is histroically significvant because the USSR and Germany fought over control of the city Stalingard. This was a major battle in WWII. This was a turning point in the War for Germany.
    (Picture from: -- the destruction of the battle
  • Battle of Stalingrad ends

  • Allied Victory in Africa

    The Allied victory in El Alamein lead to the Germans surrender in North Africa. This is historically significant because it caused the tables to turn some.
  • Allied confrence in Tehran --start

    Allied confrence in Tehran --start
    This confrence involved Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. It was held in the Soviet Embassy in Tehran, Iran. This is historically significant becasue it was the first confrence with the three allies (the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom).
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  • Allied conference of Tehran--ends

  • D-Day

    The Allied troo[s came up on te\he beaches of Normandy, France to fight the Nazi Germans. More than 9,000 allied soldiers were killed. This is historically signifncant because it was a major turning point of the war in Europe.
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  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle at the Bulge was a large battle in WWII.This is historically significant becaue it was Hitlers attmept of getting back at the allied forces. This counter attack almost succeded.
  • Allied Conference in Yalta(start)

    Allied Conference in Yalta(start)
    This was the second of three allied confrences of WWII. Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met at Yatla near Crimea to discuss the post war actions that should happen, speciffically to Germany. This is historically significant because many important decisions were made such as disarmament and demilitarization of Germany, The country was to be divided into zones amongst the Allies as well.
  • Allied Confrence in Yalta (end)

  • Germany surrenders

    This is hisotrically signifncant because the power of Germany hasd decreased and the Aliied powers had increased and the war began to come to a close in Europe.
  • Allied confrence in Potsdam(start)

    Allied confrence in Potsdam(start)
    This was the third Aliied Confrence held. This occured after Germany was defeated. At this point however Roosevelt had died and Truman took over. Churchill had also lost the election in 1945. At this meeting they argued the boundaries and details of the previous meeting. Britain and the Us were shocked because of the Eastern European countries that were becomin gcommunist. This is historically signifncant because this helped to finish the war.
  • Alllied Confrence in Potsdam (end)

  • Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki(start)

    Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki(start)
    The US sent two atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This decission is highly debated becasue of the damge, not only to the land and the casualties but those who did survive had many medical problems that were passed on to their own children. This event began to wrap up the war.
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  • Separate East German Government Established

    This separated the democracy germany and created a Communist(East Germany). This is historically significant because untill the 1990's Germany was split like this.
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