Operation barbarossa fullsize

World War 2

  • Nazi's Take the Sudentenland

    Nazi's Take the Sudentenland
    What Happend? Nazi's took the lands they lost. Why? Because Hitler felt the land were unjustly taken. Affect? The Sudentenland was now Germany's. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERsudetenland.htm
  • Ribbentrop/Molotov Pact Link

  • Ribbentrop/Molotov

    What Happened? The Nazis and The Soviet Union Signed the Ribbentrop/Molotov Pact in this pact The Soviet Union promised to not attack Germany in any future wars. The pact gave the Soviet Union Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania,and part of Poland. Why? Because in world war 1 Germany fought a two front war and lost this was Hitler’s way of making sure it didn’t happen again. Affect? The Soviets got new lands as buffer in case if Germany attacked. It also help Germany past the British blockade.
  • Germany’s Invasion of Poland 1939

    Germany’s Invasion of Poland 1939
    What Happened? Due to the agreement between the Soviet Union and Germany Germany could now invade Poland. The Polish army was defeated weeks into the invasion.
    Why? Because Hitler wanted to take back old lands lost when the treaty of Versailles was signed.

    Affect? Briton and France declared war on Germany. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005070
  • German Blitzkrieg 1939-1940

    What Happened? Germany rapidly took over much of Europe with a Blitzkrieg tactic. The Blitzkrieg Tactic involved using much offensive weapons and over running the enemy with them. Why? Because Germany didn’t want a long war because if they attacked and defended they would most likely lose. Affect? Much of Europe was taken by Germany. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005437
  • Battle of Britain 1940

    What Happened? Their was a large air battle over Britain’s skies. Why? Because France signed an armorist. Why? So that they could invade the British isles or force the British to surrender. Affect? Germany eventually gave up due to the british having better pilots and a better commander. Also they failed because of lack of intelligence.
  • Nazi Invasion of the Soviet Union 1941

    What happened? Hitler broke the no aggression pact and invaded the Soviet Union. Why? To get supplies that were in the Soviet Union that would make it so they could defy the British blockade. Affect the Axis and the allies were formed. http://www.scholastic.com/browse/subarticle.jsp?id=2545
  • Pearl Harbor 1941

    What Happened? The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Why? To take out a large force of the US’s naval forces unexpectedly. Affect? The United States went to war with the Axis.
  • Battle of Stalingrad 1942

    What happened? A battle between the Soviet Union and Germany. The Soviet Union surrounded Stalingrad and wiped out a whole army of Germany’s. Only 91,000 surrendered. Why? Because Hitler ordered Paulus to take Stalingrad because it was the center for Soviet Union communications. Affect? It was a turning point in the war for the Allies because now the Germans eastern front was very weak.
  • Allied Invasion of Africa

    What Happened? Allied forces landed in Africa on the French colonies. Why? To stop Rommel’s forces between American and British force. Affect? German and Italian forces overran southern France.
  • Wannsee Conference 1942

    What happened? They discussed the final solution. The final solution was a policy on how to get rid of the Jews in Europe. Why? Because they were attempting to step up the killing of Jews due to the Nazi’s starting to lose the war. Affect? Ghettos were established as well as concentration camps. Overall the killing of Jews in Europe was stepped up.
  • Operation Gomorrah 1943

    What happened? The British Bombed Hamburg. Why? Because of the earlier tactics used on the british when the Germans bombed them. Affect? Hamburg was in ruins and many people including civilians died. Lowering moral among Germany.
  • D-Day (Normandy Invasion-1944)

    What Happened? The Allies began the invasion of Normandy by storming it’s beaches were the axis had many defenses set up. Why? To establish a foothold in the mainland of Europe. Affect? The Allies got a western foothold in Europe. If this invasion did not occur Soviet Union could have possibly taken all of the European mainland. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1749.html
  • Liberation of concentration camps 1945

    What Happened? The Allies began to find and liberate concentration camps. Why? Because while advancing they came across the camps and saw the horrors. They began liberating them when they found them. Affect? The Nazi’s horrors were being exposed as they continued to liberate camps.
  • VE Day 1945

    VE Day 1945
    What Happened? The Germans surrendered. Why? Because hitler was dead and berlin was in ruins. Affect? The war came to an end.
  • Battle of the Bulge 1945

    What Happened? Hitler launched a counter attack on the allies to the west. Why? To get them to agree to a ceasefire. Affect? The German army lost a huge part of it’s forces and the Americans retook the land they lost.