William shakespear 2122089b

William Shakespeare's life Mr.Leith

  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare was born

    they believe that he was born on this day because many children were baptised 3 days after they were born and he was baptised on the 26 of this year.
  • Period: Apr 23, 1564 to

    Shakespears life

  • He married

    He married Anne Hathaway in Worcester, in Canterbury Province.
  • Susanna

    His first child a girl was born.
  • Hamnet and Judith are babtised

    Although there is no exact date on when the twins were born there are baptism records.
  • Titas Andronicus

    Titas Andronicus
    The first performance of this play. it was first printed in 1594.
  • Love's Labour's Lost

    Love's Labour's Lost
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1598.
  • Two Gentlemen of Verona

    Two Gentlemen of Verona
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1623.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1597.
  • Taming of the Shrew

    Taming of the Shrew
    The first performance of the play. It was first printed in1623.
  • The Comedy of Errors

    The Comedy of Errors
    This is the first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1623
  • A Midsummers Night Dream

    A Midsummers Night Dream
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1600.
  • The Merchant of Venice

    The Merchant of Venice
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1600.
  • Hamnet Died

    Many believe that he died after contracting the Bubonic Plague.
  • Much Ado About Nothing

    Much Ado About Nothing
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1600.
  • Hamlet

    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1603.
  • Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in1623.
  • The Twelfth Night

    The Twelfth Night
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1623.
  • All's Well That Ends Well

    All's Well That Ends Well
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1623.
  • Macbeth

    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1623.
  • Antony and Cleopatra

    Antony and Cleopatra
    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1623.
  • Susanna gets married

    Shakespeare's first daughter getas married to Dr.John Hall.
  • His first grandchild is baptised

    His first grandchild Elizebeth hall is baptised. She ends up having no children of her own.
  • Two Noble Kingsmen

    The first performance of this play. It was first printed in 1634.
  • Judith marries Thomas Quiney

    They get married but about a month later the get excommunicated.
  • William Shakespeare Dies

    According to what many believe William died on his birthday but some historians say he did not.