The first big parable
The President told the reporters they could call his comment a sequel to the parable he started on Christ eve. At that time he quoted at length from a newspaper column which told the story of Jesus' forgiveness all. Judas Asked if Henry Ford and General Motors were to be held in that time. -
The Second parable of jesus
Jan 22, 1944 - Another parable of the king dom of learn that the thing which started as a very little thing is going to outgrow everything else of its kind. Starting with one man, who left the whole burden of His work on the shoulders of 11 men, we can now see the king dom well on its way toward over jesus to comferm dinfrent issues -
jesus parabel conflict
Each of these parables in a treasure in itself, But jesus had the conflict to grow more. Unless the seed of the crow they part of speech bring the conflict down to the ending so juesus can finsh his idea. -
The Discussion of jesus
Discussion of jesus is full of hope with inmates confidnig plans to go to college start a business of peace of most of the men are 20 to 22years old. So jesus is trying to help out with the discussion. -
The bible of the parables
The idea evolved out of a bible study class. He started taking the boys with him to the teachers work shop to help him lug equipment. So they started writing parables in the bible.