By ira.298
  • Oct 24, 1497

    Italian born navigator John Cabot reaches the coast of Newfoundland and Cape Breton

  • Period: Oct 24, 1497 to


  • Oct 24, 1534

    Jacquw Cartier explores the Saint Lawrence River, claiming the area for France

  • Newfoundland becomes England's first overseas colony

  • London traders establish Hudson's Bay Company

  • The Treaty of Paris gives England control of France's territory in North America

  • Refugees from the American Revolution War who are loyal to the British move north present day Canada

  • War of 1812: American invasion of area aroud the Great Lakes and the Canadian frontier

  • Oregan Treaty between the United States and Canada sets the new border at the 49th parallel

  • Dominion of Canada is formed and self-government was granted

  • Gold Rush takes place along the Upper Yukon River

  • Canada fights on the side of the British and French in World War 1

  • Canadian Great Depression

  • Canadian forces join the Allied Powers in World War 2

  • World War 2 Ends

  • U.S. spacecraft Apollo 11 lands on the moon with Canadian-built landing gear

  • U.S./Canada Free Trade Agreement

  • Canada sends troops and supplies to aid U.S. in the Persian Gulf

  • The North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) comes into effect, linking Canada, the United States and Mexico in a new economic partnership

  • Canada decides not to be part of the military colition led by the United States against Iraq