woman's christian temperance union
Used the Purity of Women to advocate for prohibition -
Interstate commerce Act
The act prohibited all Monopolies of the Railroads. -
national american woman suffrage association
A women's suffrage group -
How the other half lives
A book written by Jacob Riis, it told the public about the lives of immigrants that live in tennements -
Eugene V. Debs
Head of the American Railway union and Director of the Pullman strike, he and his associates were arrested because they ignored the court when they were told to stop striking -
Sherman antitrust act
First attempt by congress to prohibit monopolies -
An African American writer that published statistics about lynching -
Anti-Saloon League
The first political action group to force the prohibition issue to the forefront of state -
John Dewey
Father of progressive education, -
Margaret Sanger
Leader of the movement to legalize birth control -
Robert la Follette
A progressive Wisconsin governor who challenged machine politics -
Square deal policy
Roosevelt's plan for all Americans to have equal oppertunity -
Anthracite coal strike
A strike in 1902 in which workers demanded for a 20% pay increase, and a nine hour work day -
Lincoln Steffens
Launched a series of articles called "The Shame of the Cities" -
elkins act
The Elkins act allowed the authorization of interstate commerce -
Department of commerce and labor
Created by Theodore Roosevelt due to the antagonism between capital and labor -
Northern Securities Antitrust case
The federal Government used the Sherman antitrust to dissolve the Northern Securities Company -
Meat inspection act
Set strict standards for the meatpacking industry -
The Jungle
A book written by Upton Sinclair, exposed the conditions of the food-packing industry -
Pure food and drug act
Forbade the manufacturing, sale, and transportation of mislabeled food items. -
triangle shirtwaist fire
An industrial disaster in NY that killed 146 workers -
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
The Republicans were split in the 1912 election so Roosevelt made the Progressive party, although he lost, he got more third party votes than every before -
17th Amendment
Allowed the election of U.S. senator -
Underwood Tariff
Re-Imposed the federal income tax after the 16th amendment was ratified -
Federal Reserve act
Created a central banking system -
Clayton Antitrust act
This act lengthened the Sherman Antitrust act's enforcements -
Federal trade commission
Prevented unfair business to preserve competion -
Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
Ended child labor -
18th Amendment
Prohibited the manufacturing, sale and distribution of Alcohol -
19th Amendment
Allowed Women the right to vote -
Ida Tarbell
Ida Tarbell was important because she published the history of standard oil