Unit 5 Key Terms

  • Frances Willard

  • Clarence Darrow

  • William Jennings Bryan

  • Henry Ford

  • Social Darwinism

  • franklin d. roosevelt

  • eleanor roosevelt

  • Marcus Garvey

  • dorothea lange

  • Jazz Music

  • Langston Hughes

  • Charles A. Lindbergh

  • federal reserve system

  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

  • Period: to

    First Red Scare

  • Period: to


  • Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy"

  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

  • Scopes Monkey Trial

  • Period: to

    the great depression

  • Period: to

    dust bowl

  • 20th Amendment

  • tennessee valley authority

  • Period: to

    the new deal

  • securities and exchange commission

  • social security administration

  • Period: to

    Tin Pan Alley