Unit 18: Timeline Assignment

By glb8196
  • 2700 BCE

    Wooden Ships

    Wooden Ships
    The Egyptians begin using wooden ships for trade by sea
  • Pack Horse

    Pack Horse
    Goods are transported by pack horse. Goods are also transported around the coast of Britain by ship
  • Letters

    Charles I allows the public to pay his messengers to carry letters. It is the beginning of the Royal Mail.
  • Turnpikes

    The first turnpike roads open. Turnpikes are privately owned and maintained but you have to pay to use them. Their name comes from an old word for a gate, pike. In towns the wealthy are carried by sedan chairs.
  • Canals

    The Bridgwater Canal opens. Many more canals are dug in the late 18th and early 19th century.
  • Hot Air Ballon

    Hot Air Ballon
    The hot air balloon and the hydrogen balloon are invented.
  • Lifeboat

    The first purpose built lifeboat is built in South Shields, England
  • First Passenger

    First Passenger
    The first passenger railway opens
  • Hansom Cab

    Hansom Cab
    The first hansom cab is made in Hinckley
  • Car

    The car is invented
  • Electric Trams

    Electric Trams
    Electric trams begin running in many towns
  • Traffic Lights

    Traffic Lights
    The first electric traffic lights in Britain are installed in London
  • Traffic Meters

    Traffic Meters
    The first traffic meters are installed in the USA
  • Airship

    The airship Hindenburg catches fire and burns
  • Crossing

    The first zebra crossing is made