U2A2 - Annotated Timeline of Confederation

By Mak.Ceh
  • The War of 1812

    • During the Napoleon wars, Britain cut off all supply routes in and out of France. This angered the Americans, so they declared war on Britain and as a result British North America as well.
    • After the War of 1812, Canadians started to realize that they were not similar to the Americans at all. As well they were nothing like their homeland in Britain.
    • I chose this event as it marks the beginning of when Canadians started to form their own identity.
  • Building of the Railways

    • During the 1800s, railroads were being brought from Europe to Canada. These railways made transportation of people and goods easier and more sufficient.
    • Building railways between the different colonies of Canada made it easier for them to form good relationships, and unions with each other.
    • I chose this event as I feel it was significant as it was around this time that the colonies started to interact with each other more. Better Relationships made it easier to unify together as well.
  • The Durham Report

    • Throughout the late 1830s there was a series of rebellions in both Upper and Lower Canada. The British government sent the Earl of Durham. While he was their, Durham suggested several things that could could help improve the state of Canada.
    • One of these suggestions was the unification of both colonies. He believed that since the English speaking Canadians outweighed the French, they would be able to assimilate them into one nation.
    • I chose this as this was the start of a unified Canada.
  • The Act of Union

    • The British government took Durham's suggestion and decided to unite Upper and Lower Canada into one. They decided to give each district the same amount of representatives, though Lower Canada had less people.
    • This was the first time the colonies of Canada would be linked under one government. Lower Canada wanted rep by pop, which is something a lot of nations considered during the confederation
    • I chose this as it marks the official beginning of Canada uniting in confederation.
  • Repeal of Corn Laws

    • The Corn Law allowed Canada to easily trade with Britain without tariffs. Eventually Britain shut down the law leaving Canada in an economic recession.
    • As a result Canada had to start looking for other countries to trade with, like America. The U.S. spread the idea of confederation to Canada. As well Canada started to not rely on Britain as much and wanted distance.
    • I chose this as this repeal will eventually lead to the reciprocity treaty, which is very important in confederation.
  • The U.S. Civil War

    • The U.S. was at war with the southern confederates in America. Canada was against the southern confederates and this angered the U.S. so they threatened to invade Canada.
    • Britain remained neutral as they needed supplies from southern America. This showed Canada that they needed a better defense from the U.S. and they weren't going to get it from Britain.
    • I chose this event as it marks the beginning of Canadians realizing they had to unite in order to protect themselves from America.
  • The Great Coalition

    • The great coalition was the group made of Brown, Macdonald, and Cartier from East and West Canada. Their goal was to remove the political deadlock form Canada using rep by pop.
    • In order to do this Canada East and West needed to come together and figure something out. Which would eventually lead to the confederation.
    • I chose this as all three of these people had very different viewpoints and supporters, and the fact they were able to work together and make a difference is crazy.
  • The Charlottetown Conference

    • The Maritime leaders hosted a conference to discuss a union amongst themselves. Canadians found about about this and invited themselves.
    • The conference was a success and the Maritime leaders agreed to think about a union with the rest of Canada. This was the first time the Maritime leaders had discussed or thought about a union with other parts of Canada.
    • I chose this as I believe it is the most important event in the confederation, as all parts of Canada are starting to become unified.
  • St. Albans Raid

    • A group of confederates robbed a bank in Vermont and escaped to Canada were they were arrested. The U.S. didn't like this and it pushed them closer to attacking Canada.
    • This showed Canada that Britain would not protect them from an inevitable attack from America. Canada needed to start forming unions to protect themselves, while distancing from Britain.
    • Although similar to the civil war, I chose it because it still had impact on confederation in Canada, and brought Canadians closer
  • The Quebec Conference

    • The Quebec conference acknowledged the fact that Canada could not run under 1 gov system, so it was split into 2 parts federal and provincial. Both had their own responsibilities.
    • Both parts of Canada were starting to become one, and work together to build an effective government. Canadians were proving they could survive without the help of the British and ere becoming more independent.
    • I chose this event not only links to confederation, but our current government style as well.
  • The End of the Reciprocity Treaty

    • Americans were busy with the civil war so they did not want to extend the treaty again. Canada was relying on this treaty and ending it caused them a lot of economic problems.
    • Americans believed ending it would also make the Canadians join them, which went along with their manifest destiny beliefs about taking over Canada, instead Canadians became more anti-American, and unified.
    • I chose this event as it shows how Americans are not fit to rule Canada as they disagreed on everything.
  • Fenian Brotherhood Raids

    • A group of Irishmen living in America wanted Ireland freed form Britain. Since they couldn't attack Britain, they attacked Canada.
    • Their attack changed public opinion in favor of confederation as Canadians saw the need for protection, and the only way they would get that was through unifying.
    • I chose this because it shows how events not related to problems in Canada still affected them. Canadians had nothing to do with the Irish being unhappy, but were involved because of the British.
  • The London Conference

    • The London conference would be the last conference before confederation in Canada. A bill would be created stating the confederation of Canada.
    • This was the second final step before Canada became a confederation. If the bill was passed, the colonies would become one.
    • I chose this event as it is would be the final hurdle Canadians had to go through in order to become one unified. If Britain allowed this bill to pass, Canada would not be their responsibility any more.
  • British North America Act

    • The bill was passed and came into act on July 1st, 1867. Marking Canadas day of independence.
    • This was the final step in Canadas confederation, in which they officially became a nation. and were fully unified. Although some colonies decided not to join.
    • Ultimately this was the most important step in the whole process as if the bill was not passed Canada would not become a confederation.