Timeline of Inventions in the 2000's (Mostly Early 2000's)

  • PlayStation 2

    The PlayStation 2 was created by Sony, and was a gaming console and DVD player all in one. It was so widely owned (as it was cheaper than most DVD players) that it aided the popularity of the DVD format. These days, most major gaming consoles are entertainment centres as well.
  • J-SH04 - Camera Mobile Phone

    Made by Sharp Corporation, the J-SH04 was the first mobile phone to have a camera as well. Now and days, more people own phones with cameras than cameras themselves.
  • iTunes

    Sony releases iTunes, a software that would change how people downloaded and bought music digitally by creating a central purchasing software.
  • Myspace

    eUniverse launched Myspace, a social networking site that would set the precedent of how many social networks operate today.
  • World of Warcraft

    Blizzard creates World of Warcraft, a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) that would become the most played game of its kind up until only very recently. Final Fantasy XIV would later edge this title out about 18 years later.