Jan 1, 1238
Printing press
The first colonial printin press is founded in cambrige , massachusetts -
Jan 1, 1507
The new world
The new world was first named America by a german mapkeeper who falsely credits 'amerigo vespucci' with its discovery -
Exploration of new world
Richard Hakiuyt publishes an anthrology of notable voyages in the new world . A second edition is published in 1598, creating english interest i the exploration and colonazation of the new world -
the beginnin of Slavery
Slavery beins in the colonies as twenty africans are brought by dutch ship to jamestown for sale and indentured servamts -
Mayflower compact
The mayflower ship blindsat cape cod , assachusetes with 101 colonists, the mayflower compact is signed on november 11 establishing a form of government at plymouth -
peace treatie of colonists and native americans
Oe of the first peace treaties between colonists with native americans , specifically the plymouth pilgrims and the wapanoag tribe signed with squanto,and english speaking native american -
religious heresy
Made court approved heresy punishable by death -
Public education
regursall sizable towns to institute a form of public education -
Period: to
first period of commonwealth of england -
navagation act
The first navagation act is passed by cromwell's parliament , prohibiting the shipment of colonial goods to england in non-england ships -
2nd commonwealth
This is the second period of commonwealth in england -
navigation act
The navigation act started