The Revolutionary War

  • Lexington and Concord

    The first battle of the revolutionary war. British troops marched up through Concord, while Paul Reevere went to warn the colonial militia that the British were coming. And in Lexington, the militia started putting fire on the British. (
  • 2nd Contenintal Congress

    The congress met briefly to discuss what was happening, and what to do about the Revolutionary War.
  • George Washington Named Commander in Cheif

    George Washington was appointed commander of America's armed froces by the contenintal congress. (
  • Bunker Hill

    Fought on the Charleston Peninsula on the North side of Boston Harbor. The British started the first fires, then the militia men waited until they were near to fire. Many British died, (
  • Declaration of Independence

    During the Revolutionary War on this date, the Declaration of Independence wan signed as a symbol of America finally winning independence from the British. (
  • Battle of Long Island

    A successful British action against the American Contenintal Army. (
  • Battle of Trenton

    A battle immediatly following his famous crossing of the Delaware River, General George marched with his army to Trenton. (
  • Battle of Princeton

    Fought in Princeton New jersey against the British, where General George defeat the British with his revolutionary force. (
  • American Flag Adopted

    To get an official flag, the 2nd Contenintal Congress had to pass a flag act. (
  • Saragota

    When Burgoyne's army finally reached Saragota springs, it was packed with militia that easily out-numbered the British Army. Burgoyne ordered and attack, and surrenedered after being beaten. This gave the patriots new confidence about the war. (
  • France and America Become Allies

    When Benjamin Franklin was in France signing the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, and the Treaty of Allience. this made both countries elligable to trade with each other, and it made them both allies against the British during the Revolutionary War. (
  • Battle of Monmouth

    A batlle near New Jersey when the British and German troops fought against the American Conenintal troops and militia. (
  • Treason of Benedict Arnold

    When American General Benedict Arnold meets with British major, John Andre, to discuss handing over West Pointe to the British in return for a high sum of money and a high posiition in the British Army, he became known as a traitor. (
  • Battle of Yorkown

    It was the most popular battle of the Revolutionary War. When General George commanded troops of contenintal and French with 17,000 people. (
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Was signed to formally end the Revolutionary War and begin American Independence. (