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The History of Television

  • First moving television pictures

  • Exspiremental Television channel transmits a 40 minute stage production

  • RKO exsperiments with theater televison

  • CBS begins to exsperiment with television programming and sells TV's for 42$

  • NBC exsperiemnts with television programming

  • Iowa state makes the first television broadcast from an educational institution

  • Early Development

    The early developemnt of television started in 1939 when the biggest radio company at the time RCA invested 50 million dollars into the devolpment of eletronic television.
  • There is about 7000 television sets in the U.S.

  • CBS broadcasts the Pearl Harbor attacks

  • There are approximatley 44000 TV sets in the U.S.

  • Full time evening Programming begins broadcasting to 350000 TV sets

  • 6132000 television sets are sold , making a total of 9735000 in 9% of households

  • Exspecting color TV soon

  • Black and white portable TV era begins

  • The price of color TV drops to around 500 dollars

  • The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan Show

  • The Greenbay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs

  • PBS is established

  • VHS is introduced to homeowners

  • HDTV is demonstrated in the United States by NHK

  • 900million TV sets in the U.S.

  • Walt Disney acquires ABC

  • DVD Technology becomes viable

  • The average Amercian Adult watches 4 hours of television