The History of England

By Giulia1
  • 1347 BCE

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    In 1347-50 the re was the outbreak of the Black Death that killed many people,it was caused by fleas,living on black rats the body became dark after death, it was linked to a lack of immunity. Rich people retired in to the country hoping to escape that Black Death. Rats and fleas were not suspected because they were common things in the 14 century. The bacillus of the Black Death was discovered only in the 19 century.
  • 1200 BCE

    The medieval ballad

    The medieval ballad
    Ballads were produced anonymously and sung with or without accompaniment or dance. They were transmitted orally and written down between the 13 and 14 centuries. Here are the most important features of the ballad:
    - Short stanzas of two or four lines
    - Repetition of words or lines
    - Mixture of dialogue and narration
    -Narrative as a series of rapid flashes
    -Themes of the supernatural, love, war.
  • 1199 BCE

    King John

    King John
    Richard succeeded his father, Henry II in 1189. During his absence, his brother John tried to usurp his place. When Richard died without an heir in 1199, the English and Norman barons chose John to be King.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Norman invasion

    The Norman invasion
    William was distantly related to Edward who had promised the throne, so William prepared to invade Britain. He crossed the English channel and landed in Pevensey on 28 September . The Normans didn't move inland because they waited Harold's reaction.He hoped to destroy the Normans in decisive clash. That took place at Hastings on 14 October. William's army was superior because he used archers and mounted warriors. A crucial moment came when Harold was killed.
  • May 1, 1215

    The rebellion

    The rebellion
    The rebellion that started in England in 1215 had John as its cause:his defence of the French territories was ineffective and the constant collection of taxes drained the incomes of the barons and increased their discontent. The barons refused to pay scutage and conspired to resist the King. By May 1215 war had broken out.The rebels,under the name of the "Army of God" , defied the King and occupied London. John agreed to meet them and sealed the Magna Carta.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    The clauses of the Magna Carta were indictments against John's rule. Among them, the Magna Carta called for a guarantee of protection to all free men from illegal imprisonment and seizure of property. It also asked for swift justice and scutage limitations.The charter established a committee of twenty -five barons with a mandate to wage war on the King if he failed to respect the agreement.