The Attack on Pearl Harbor

  • Naval Base

    Naval Base
    Pearl Harbor became an official U.S. Naval Base.
  • Japan Invasion

    Japan Invasion
    Japan invades North China from Manchuria.
  • No One Listens

    No One Listens
    Joseph C. Grew, U.S. ambassador to Japan , learns of the attack on Pearl Harbor but no one believes him and laugh about it.
  • "Bomb Plot"

    "Bomb Plot"
    The "bomb plot" message from Japanese naval intelligence to Japan's consul general in Honolulu requesting a grid of exact locations of ships in Pearl Harbor.
  • The Message

    The Message
    On the night of December 6, the U.S. decoded a message of a deadline of some kind of Japanese action. The message was delivered 4 hours before the attack
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked the United States on Pearl Harbor.
  • War on Japan

    War on Japan
    President Roosevelt declared war on Japan.
  • War

    Congress declared war on Italy and Germany.
  • End Of the Second World War

    World War II is over, Germany surrendered.
  • Memorial

    USS Memorial Arizona opened.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The story of Pearl Harbor beceme a movie.