Gumby face


  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Brown v board of education made separate but equal go away
  • Murder of Emmit Till

    Murder of Emmit Till
    Emmits murder started the civil rights movement
  • Rosa parks and the bus boycott

    Rosa parks and the bus boycott
    Rosa parks got the bus boycott started
  • video

  • Apollo 1

    Apollo 1
  • Event title

    Event title
  • Gemini space flights

    Gemini was a spacecraft to test out systems for the moon trip.
  • Project Gemini

    Project Gemini
    Gemini had four main goals: to test an astronaut's ability to fly long-duration missions (up to two weeks in space); to understand how spacecraft could rendezvous and dock in orbit around the Earth and the moon; to perfect re-entry and landing methods; and to further understand the effects of longer space flights on astronauts.
  • Murder of Martin Luther King Jr.

    He was assassinated in April, 1968
  • The Launch of Skylab: America's first space station

    The Launch of Skylab: America's first space station
    Skylab was America's first space station. It was launched into orbit May 14, 1973. It was crewed by 3 different sets of 3 astronauts. Skylab served as a solar observatory, a microgravity lab, a medical lab and an earth observing facility. Many new technologies had to be developed for the extended time that the astronauts lived in Skylab. The last 3 crew members remained on board for 84 days. Skylab reentered the Earth's atmosphere on July 11, 1979.